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Power Grid 0.2.0 released

Power Grid string grid class has released version 0.2.0 which adds several new features as well as bug fixes and other improvements. Be sure to read the readme file as there have been some usage changes since 0.1.0.

Posted by Edmund Tudor 2004-11-25

Power Grid string grid class version 0.1.0 (alpha) released.

Power Grid (project name pwrgrid) is a C++ class which provides an easy means of displaying data in a
column/row format in Windows apps. Version 0.1.0 is the initial Alpha release, which demonstrates much
of the functionality the finished product will have.

Power Grid is aimed at developers who program Windows through the API and would like a string grid
component without the added overhead of a full graphics library. It is currently being developed using
Dev-C++ (MinGW/GCC 3.2 compiler) under Windows XP. ... read more

Posted by Edmund Tudor 2004-08-21