

  • aditsu

    aditsu - 2004-10-30

    Hi b_a, it's good to see your project here :)
    Here is a list of things that would make me like powergrid more:
    - a more permissive license (such as BSD, MIT or wxWidgets)
    - column and row resizing and sorting
    - live scrolling
    - multicolumn and multirow selection, with cut, copy, paste and delete
    - compile the project with a newer gcc (the binary is not compatible), and also activate all the warnings and fix them

    Now I will try to actually use it in a project, and I'll let you know if I find other issues.


    P.S. I don't really have time to join the project as a developer, but if I find myself really in need of a grid control, I might do it anyway :)
    Changing the license would make the idea even more attractive

    • Edmund Tudor

      Edmund Tudor - 2004-10-31

      Hey, thanks for the suggestions Adrian, I was beginning to think no one was ever going to post here.. lol.

      Ok, first, I don't know all that much about licenses, I figured I'd need something to protect myself at least a little, so I went with GPL as I thought that was a pretty generic one. I thought it would be permissive enough, but I'll take another look. What exactly did you want to do that this one won't allow?

      I've been working on column and row resizing (the current release should do columns now)

      In the next release it should allow you to set the row height, although it will be the same for each row, columns each have their own size, and the column autosizing should work a bit better.
      I've also made it so you can set the fonts, along with a few other features and fixes.
      I'm gonna try to put out the next release this week, going a little slower than I had anticipated.

      I'm not sure what you mean by 'live scrolling'.

      As for the compiler, I used, I know the binaries from older versions than that weren't compatible with the newer ones, but did they change it again? Anyway, I figured since the source is there in the distibution, if anyone had a problem with the binary I included they could just compile it themselves. I'll look at the warnings too.

      I'll look into the other things you mentioned, not sure if or when I'll get around to them though. I pretty much wrote this thing by the seat of my pants with not a whole lot of C++ experience yet, sort of a learning project, so my code might need a serious overhaul to make more advanced features work.

      Thanks a lot for the feedback!

      • aditsu

        aditsu - 2004-10-31

        >  I was beginning to think no one was ever going to post here..

        hehe, I understand you

        > I figured I'd need something to protect myself at least a little, so I went with GPL as I thought that was a pretty generic one.

        well, GPL is one of the strongest protections you can find: figuratively speaking, it not only protects you from the "enemy's attacks" but completely disarms your enemy and turns him into your ally
        (of course, someone can still break the license and use your code in a "wrong" way, but that is like breaking any other license, you can't get better protection)

        > I thought it would be permissive enough, but I'll take another look. What exactly did you want to do that this one won't allow?

        one thing is that it's contagious: if a big project uses a tiny part that is GPL'ed, then the whole project must also be licensed under the GPL, there's no other choice
        (this thing is called "GPL infection")
        this means that the source code for the project must be distributed with the binary, or made available for free or at a low cost
        so it's not legal to use a GPL'ed library in a closed-source project, and not even in an open-source project with a different license

        maybe you can consider the wxWidgets license, it is practically LGPL with no bull ;)
        it still offers protection for the library itself, but allows linking to any kind of project without any conditions or restrictions (and it also allows redistribution of the library under the GPL)

        > I've been working on column and row resizing (the cu rrent release should do columns now)

        the current demo doesn't resize columns

        > In the next release it should allow you to set the row height, although it will be the same for each row

        that's perfectly fine

        > I'm not sure what you mean by 'live scrolling'.

        I mean the contents of the grid should move while you scroll, not only after you release the scrollbar

        > As for the compiler, I used, I know the binaries from older versions than that weren't compatible with the newer ones, but did they change it again?

        no, but the binary you are currently distributing doesn't work with gcc 3.3.1 (the version if Dev-C++ is not relevant because Dev-C++ is not the compiler)
        afaik, 3.3 is compatible with 3.2

        > Anyway, I figured since the source is there in the distibution, if anyone had a problem with the binary I included they could just compile it themselves.

        that's what I did :)

        > Thanks a lot for the feedback!

        you're welcome, keep up the good work!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      >  if a big project uses a tiny part that is GPL'ed, then the whole project must also be licensed under the GPL

      Looking over the GPL again I figured that was going to be the problem, I'll look at the wxWidgets one.

      > the current demo doesn't resize columns

      It should. If you compile the demo, columns D and F should resize if you change the text in one of their cells. If you uncomment out the SGO_AUTOSIZE line where the options are set (line 166 in griddemo.cpp) all of the columns should resize to fit the text, and with autosize off you should be able to set the size with something like sg.SetColWidth(4, 200);
      Autosize is a bit buggy in the first release, but it should mostly work, let me know if you can't get it going, could be a bug.

      > the contents of the grid should move while you scroll, not only after you release the scrollbar

      I don't recall why I made it not scroll until you're done dragging the scroll bars.
      Does it scroll alright when you click and hold the scroll buttons or use the arrow keys? 

      Well, back to work.. thanks again

    • aditsu

      aditsu - 2004-10-31

      > If you compile the demo, columns D and F should resize if you change the text in one of their cells.

      ok, I guess we're talking about different things
      I'd like to be able to drag the column dividers in the header row with the mouse in order to resize the columns manually
      just like in Windows Explorer (detail view) or Excel

      > I don't recall why I made it not scroll until you're done dragging the scroll bars.

      maybe because that's the default behaviour?

      > Does it scroll alright when you click and hold the scroll buttons or use the arrow keys?

      yes, that looked fine
      it scrolled at a cell level (not pixel level), but it's acceptable


    • aditsu

      aditsu - 2004-11-03

      I'm reading and I'm having second thoughts about the wxWidgets (wxWindows) license - it does contain proper names and doesn't allow changing
      the licensing discussion is very important to me because I want to find the best license for the SMART library project (where I am an admin)

      I'll let you know if I reach any conclusion (right now I'm stumped :p )



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