
Few feature requests

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Would it be possible to place standard windows controls (like "real" text editing, buttons and combo lists) into grid cells? Currently the only action is text editing.

    Also, text editing in grid cells works only with fixed-width fonts (you have implemented your own editing code).

    • Edmund Tudor

      Edmund Tudor - 2005-01-12

      This has come up in developer discussions, so we're looking into it already.

      I had tried using a standard edit control, but had some trouble getting it to work, so I wrote my own code. I used a fixed font because it was much easier to code, and at the time I didn't see a need for variable width fonts while editing.

      I had also thought about having combo boxes, but didn't pursue it when I ran into trouble with edit controls. Theoretically, once we get edits working, combo boxes should be possible as well.

      Thanks for your interest in Power Grid, feedback is always welcome.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, thanks. Currently I can customize Power Grid quite nicely (and as the source is available I can customize it even more). I certainly would try to add support for comboboxes etc. myself, but I don't have even slighest idea on how to modify the existing code for it. I was thinking that you first pre-create a "set" of controls (edit control, combobox, button, etc. whatever you want) and then when user clicks on the cell, you display the prebuilt control (MoveWindow and ShowWindow).

      Look at the Object Inspector in Delphi. That's a good example of what I need. I can customize Power Grid to do this, it's just the controls stuff I don't know how to do. Another good example is the property editor in ResEd (the radasm package) that many people suggest since Dev-CPP does not have it's own res editor.

    • Edmund Tudor

      Edmund Tudor - 2005-01-13

      It's been at least a year since I tried adding an edit, so my memory is a bit faded on what problems I was having.. I'll look back and see if I can find the old code in my archives and have another look at it. The other developer was going to try working on this also, not sure if he's gotten anywhere with it yet.


    • aditsu

      aditsu - 2005-01-13

      > not sure if he's gotten anywhere with it yet

      sorry, I've been pretty busy; however I got back to SF just today, and I managed some stuff, and I was planning to work on the edit thing too
      so you can leave it to me, I will write it these days



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