
Picasa Stopped Working?

Marc Lane
  • Marc Lane

    Marc Lane - 2010-03-17

    I've been setting up a new website, I setup a picasa gallery which was working just fine. Now today it's not showing.
    any ideas? I checked the code and picasa settings everything looks fine.

    I can view the album outside of my site via

  • aviator

    aviator - 2010-03-17

    Same thing here.  Any javascript accessing picasa feeds are broken to an otherwise working site.

  • jpurr

    jpurr - 2010-03-17

    I, too, noticed that it quit working today.

  • Marc Lane

    Marc Lane - 2010-03-17

    Detlev - Google Employee
    12:45 PM
    Best answer - Sean R (Google Employee)
    We have located the source of the issue and have a fix ready. We are currently preparing a service update.
    This usually takes a few hours to pass QA and update the service in our datacenters.

  • viper522

    viper522 - 2011-02-04

    I spent 30 minutes today chasing the sudden halt all sites using the PWA script experienced.  The fix was much simpler than I had anticipated.  Just replace all 'http://' with 'https://' in the pwa.js file.  No need to make any other changes.  Hope that helps someone else.


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