

Johannes W. Dietrich

The HL7 engine includes a basic unit (hl7.pas) and additional units
that support high-level functionality like MSH or OBR segments.

The unit nte.pas provides the following data structures and functions:

  NTE_ID = 'NTE';

  tNTE = record
  SetID: tSI;
  CommentSource: tID;
  comment: tFT;
  commentType: tCE;
  EnteredBy: tXCN; // Introduced in HL7 2.7
  EnteredDateTime, EffectiveStartDate, ExpirationDate: tDTM; // dto.

function NTE_Segment(message: THL7Message): THL7Segment;

procedure GetNTE(message: THL7Message; out NTERecord: tNTE);
procedure GetNTE(message: THL7Message; out SetID: tSI; out
CommentSource: tID; out comment: tFT; out commentType: tCE);
procedure GetNTE(message: THL7Message; out SetID: str4; out
CommentSource: str8; out comment: ansistring; out commentType:

procedure SetNTE(message: THL7Message; aSegment: THL7Segment);
procedure SetNTE(message: THL7Message; NTERecord: tNTE);
procedure SetNTE(message: THL7Message; SetID: tSI; CommentSource:
tID; comment: tFT; commentType: tCE);
procedure SetNTE(message: THL7Message; SetID: str4; CommentSource:
str8; comment: ansistring; commentType: str250);

procedure ClearNTE(var NTERecord: tNTE);

Detailled information is available in the full HL7 Engine Documentation (PDF download).


Wiki: HL7 Engine