
latest news

Hi all,

the project has slowed a bit, because of my removal to a new country and job.

However, development is still going on. Version 0.6 will be out by the end of September (vacations needed), and will contain support for mesh formats other than GMSH. This will allow you to use your favourite CAD tool, mesh your target in a supported format, and run Puma on it!

On another register, a user is currently testing Puma on really big targets: 90+ million of unknowns! Keep tuned if you want to know when Puma breaks the magic 100 million barrier...

Finally, a little trick for visualization. If you want to visualise the currents on the target after a simulation has been run, just
1) set "params_simu.CURRENTS_VISUALIZATION = 1" in "" (before running the simulation)
2) run the simulation
3) start GMSH when simulation is over
4) from GMSH, open the file which name looks like "norm_currents.pos"

That's it for today, folks! Regards,


Posted by Idesbald Van den Bosch 2009-08-27

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