
jQuery.ptTimeSelect / News: Recent posts

Version 0.7.3

Version 0.7.3 was made available today! It fixes an issue with the timepicker popup being hidden when a user double clicks the input filed for which it is opened for.

Posted by Paul T 2012-01-11

Version 0.7.2

Version 0.7.2 has been released. This version fixes a critical issue with insuring that jQuery Chainability is maintained. Issue was reported by forum thread:

Posted by Paul T 2011-10-16

Version 0.2

Version 0.2 was released. Include some redesign, including the ability to set custom options when calling the ptTimeSelect() method.

Posted by Paul T 2007-05-22

First Version release

The first version of ptTimeSelect is not available. It provides the basic functionality of allowing the user the ability to define a time (though a popup) and 'set' that time back to an input field.

Todo: Allow customization of popup style. Control time format. Option to use it to define quantity (ex. 4 minutes = 4:00).

Posted by Paul T 2007-02-25