
Installation Instructions

Peter Bowers
  1. Download the code and place it on the server
    • Use svn with this repository: svn://
      • svn checkout --username=yourusername svn+ssh:// ptsignup-svn
    • Place the files downloaded in a directory called ptsignup on your server (in your htdocs or www directory, presumably)
  2. Set up your database
    • Execute the commands within ptsignup.sql (in the root of those files). This can be done by copy/paste into the SQL window in phpMyAdmin or by running the script directly.
  3. Modify configuration files
    • app/Config/ptsignup.php
      • client_id and client_secret are according to the Sycamore app
      • url and path should match your server and location where ptsignup is installed (from step #1 above)
      • cookie_key should be a long, random password
      • other elements may be modified if needed but should not normally require change
    • app/Config/database.php - change host, login, password, database, etc. as appropriate for your database
      • prefix is not yet implemented

Proceed to Initial Setup instructions in [Administrator Instructions].


  1. If you get "Internal Errors" go into app/Config/core.php and set debug from 0 to 2. You'll probably need to log in again, but then you should get a much more helpful error message.

  2. If you get errors regarding timezone, go into app/Config/core.php and uncomment the line containing the date_default_timezone_set() call and change it from 'UTC' to the appropriate value for your locale.

  3. If you have difficulty with 404 (page not found) errors you may need to include a RewriteBase of your sub-directory ("RewriteBase /ptsignup", for example) in the .htaccess files in ptsignup and ptsignup/app and ptsignup/app/webroot.


Wiki: Administrator Instructions
Wiki: Home