
PTRAC Variables

Tanya Hutton

Event IDs

There are 5 event types, with one additional identifier flag that can be used in PTRAC output:

Event number Description Notes
1000 Source (SRC) Birth of particle
±(200N) Banked (BNK) Negative for rejected banked events, N determines the source of banked event
3000 Surface (SUR) Particle crosses cell boundary
4000 Collision (COL) Interaction event
5000 Termination (TER) Death of particle
9000 End of history Flag to identify final event in history

Variable IDs

Taken from Table I.3 in MCNP5 manual, Appendix I with descriptions and notes as an interpretation of the relevant sections of the manual.

ID number MCNP name Description Notes
NPS line
1 NPS History number All NPS lines
2 Type of first history event SRC, BNK, SUR, COL, TER
3 NCL Cell number Omitted if not cell filtered
4 NSF Nearest surface headed towards Omitted if not surface filtered
5 JPTAL Tally specifier Omitted if not tally filtered
6 TAL TFC specifier Omitted if not tally filtered
Event1 line
7 Next event type BNK, SUR, COL, TER, END
8 NODE Number of nodes in track from source to this point
9 NSR Source number SRC events only
10 NXS ZZAAA for interaction BNK and COL events only
11 NYTN Reaction type (MT) BNK and COL events only
12 NSF Surface number SUR events only
13 Angle with surface normal (degrees) SUR events only
14 NTER Termination type TER events only
15 Branch number TER events only
16 IPT Particle type Multi-particle transport only
17 NCL Cell number All events
18 MAT Material number All events
19 NCP Number of collisions in history Write=all only
Event2 line
20 XXX x-coordinate of event (cm) All events
21 YYY y-coordinate of event (cm) All events
22 ZZZ z-coordinate of event (cm) All events
23 UUU x-component of exit direction vector Write=all only
24 VVV y-component of exit direction vector Write=all only
25 WWW z-component of exit direction vector Write=all only
26 ERG Energy of particle after event Write=all only
27 WGT Weight of particle after event Write=all only
28 TME Time of event Write=all only


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