
P.T. Corps / News: Recent posts

Open Redesigning In Progress

Well, I started this project with a painfully rudimentary knowledge of 3d programming, running open source projects, network programming, and just plain designing 3d action-style games in general. Considering that until this point, all of my game programming experience came from the creation of text-based adventures and an attempt to create a roguelike in C++, I knew that I was in way over my head when I actually started on PTCorps in the beginning. Well, in the initial design, I simplified everything with the intent on making it easier for me to program without me having to take time to learn something new, and that was a mistake. To make a long story short, I miscalculated as I slimmed things down and my design didn't look like the code that I was writing, so I've decided to start over and do things the way that they should've been done in this first place. However, this time I know the things that I should've known from the first time I started this project, and I know more than that as well, so this time I shall do things right, starting back from square one, which is design. ... read more

Posted by Arthur Haney 2004-08-10

2nd bit of coding :)

After all the devs decided to take a summer vacation, we've finally started coding the client server. The current milestone is pointing towards a map loader that is about the same (client-side) as BZFlag being implemented within the next month along with tank models. This is all heavily dependant on whether or not I can get a laptop though.

Posted by Arthur Haney 2004-06-19

First bit of coding.

Well, I was sitting at my computer with my trusty XMMS and Xchat, when I realized that we needed to get started on the project. Having said that, I am proud to say that coding has started for PTCorps.

Posted by Aaron Mathis 2004-03-27