
PsyPlay / News: Recent posts

PsyPlay 3.5.051 release fixes bugs.

A quick release has been banged together fixing bugs in stability. The download has been changed and any new information on bugs will be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Psytechnic 2008-09-10

PsyPlay gets it's 5th release!

PsyPlay 3.5.05 is now released as a beta. Although I have no known issues at the moment, that doesn't mean there won't be any. However, this release is much more stable and is a completed release. There are some basic functions that still need to be added (such as launching from file association and single instance executing) but apart from these, PsyPlay is fully functional and gives a very good example of what PsyPlay will be when the Release hits 3.5.1.... read more

Posted by Psytechnic 2008-05-27

PsyPlay Alpha Released!!! before another rewrite...

PsyPlay has been developed in the aim of making a fairly usable C# media player. This is turning out to be quite the task and as my code (which is now accessible) will show, I'm quite a messy programmer, so as I rewrite, I clear the code up considerably. So expect a much cleaner release next time. For now, this release will give a taste of things to come. Please feel free to open discussion about PsyPlay in the forums so that additional suggestions can be weaved in. However, remember above all that PsyPlay is designed to be as non-relational as possible. This means other methods of playing media (via codecs) will NOT be coded in, nor will interoping dll's for visualisations.

Posted by Psytechnic 2008-05-04

PsyPlay back to Alpha =(

Unfortunately, due to the fact that the DirectX 9 'AudioVideoPlayback' namespace has not been designed with media players in mind, PsyPlay is now back to the alpha stage and nothing in the code is certain just yet. Expect many different implementations in the near future.

Posted by Psytechnic 2008-04-04

PsyPlay in SourceForge

PsyPlay will now be hosted from SourceForge and further development will take place in the near future. For now, I am setting up the hosting, but expect a completed release very soon.

Posted by Psytechnic 2008-04-04