
Linux Video Converter for PSP / News: Recent posts

PSPVC 0.3 is out !!!

0.2.1 -> 0.3
support of Alex Dark firmware 3.03-OE-B+
newer X264 and FFMPEG (fif1973)
freedesktop menu entry added (fif1973)
Simplification of convertion parameters (fif1973)
Display an error message if the input file format is not a supported (fif1973)
Slovenian translation added (lenooh)
German translation added (Christian Stake)
--threads X argument added for multi-core ou multi-cpu (fif1973)

Posted by Philippe MAES 2007-03-13

PSPVC 0.2.1 is out

0.2 -> 0.2.1
The order of options in the interface changed (fif1973)
'About' window added (fif1973)
Title of convert windows (fif1973)
High limit of the thumbnail choice is adjust to the video duration (fif1973)
Polish transalation added (Thomasz Dominikowski)

Posted by Philippe MAES 2006-07-13

PSPVC 0.2 is out !

Now compile with gcc > 3.3.5
Elapse and remaining time added
Curent FPS conversion added
Choice of the thumbnail

Posted by Philippe MAES 2006-06-25

pspvc 0.1.3 is out

0.1.2 -> 0.1.3
Fix an audio desynchronization with 25 fps source files
Italian translation added

Posted by Philippe MAES 2006-04-27