
Tree [984b39] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 BuildEnvironment 2021-01-06 pspp pspp [984b39] 2021-01-06_20-02-14
 GitScripts 2020-12-12 pspp pspp [08f632] 2020-12-12_08-59-32
 mingw-patches 2020-12-12 pspp pspp [ec3333] Initial commit
 pre-tarball-patches 2020-12-12 pspp pspp [ec3333] Initial commit
 pspp-patches 2020-12-12 pspp pspp [ec3333] Initial commit
 used-in-build 2020-12-12 pspp pspp [ec3333] Initial commit
 BuildVersion-News.txt 2021-01-06 pspp pspp [984b39] 2021-01-06_20-02-14
 BuildVersion.txt 2021-01-06 pspp pspp [984b39] 2021-01-06_20-02-14 2021-01-06 pspp pspp [984b39] 2021-01-06_20-02-14
 readme.txt 2021-01-06 pspp pspp [984b39] 2021-01-06_20-02-14

Read Me

#   from october 2020 on, these scripts won't work anymore

Pspp4Windows build scripts
Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Harry Thijssen

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

These scripts are intended to build the environment to cross compile PSPP for MSWindows 

- a current openSUSE installation
- the user pspp   with sudo rights
- git is installed
- optional:
        - the setting to use sudo without password
	- mutt is installed (at least ~/.muttrc is available and correct) 
        - the file ~/ is available containing at least:  
                 CCE_to_email="<your e-mail>"  
              for example  CCE_to_email=""

- clone the install scripts with:
    git clone pspp4windows
- if necessary, change openSUSE version in the build routines in BuildEnvironment/*    
- if necessary change the end year in ~/pspp4windows/used-in-build/PackageInfo3.txt
- change the before date in ~/pspp4windows/used-in-build/readme.txt
- if you want to change the scripts for the build on Sourceforge, use pspp4windows/GitScripts/ 
  when commiting changes use pspp4windows/GitScripts/  <change reason>

Creating buildenvironment:
- start 
   bash pspp4windows/BuildEnvironment/ <openSuse version><subversion>    
   parameter example 15.2.1

Build pspp 4 windows
- start
    perl pspp4windows/