
Testing for treatment effect after propensity score matching

Priya Lall
  • Priya Lall

    Priya Lall - 2014-06-03

    Hello Felix and other users,

    I am truly sorry about bothering everyone again. I heard that it is possible in STATA to create different IDs for control and treatment cases during propensity score matching. As I have matched twice the amount of control cases to treatment cases, these id variables can be reduced a singular variable that can be later used in modelling to control for the treatment effect. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a similar set of variables using this plugin to later control for the treatment effect. Thanks so much for being so helpful.

    Best wishes


    • Felix Thoemmes

      Felix Thoemmes - 2014-06-18

      Dear Priya,
      Sorry that the answers sometimes take longer. I am not 100% sure of what
      you are trying to achieve, but there is an option to get a datafile in wide
      format in which the matched units are in the same row. That way you can
      identify which units were matched. Maybe this is what you wanted to know.

      Hope this helps,

      On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 6:02 PM, Priya Lall

      Hello Felix and other users,

      I am truly sorry about bothering everyone again. I heard that it is
      possible in STATA to create different IDs for control and treatment cases
      during propensity score matching. As I have matched twice the amount of
      control cases to treatment cases, these id variables can be reduced a
      singular variable that can be later used in modelling to control for the
      treatment effect. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a
      similar set of variables using this plugin to later control for the
      treatment effect. Thanks so much for being so helpful.

      Best wishes


      Testing for treatment effect after propensity score matching

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