Pavel Hlavnicka - 2002-06-25

I'm not sure, whether I'm dealing with a real bug, so I'm using this list insetad og bug tracker.

1. I use psgml for xml only
2. I'd like to indent attributes as follows

<xxxx a='1'

3. I put this into my xml-mode-hook

(setq sgml-attribute-indent-function

It helps, but problems remain. From time to time (better say mostly :) a content (not attribute) indentation happens, when I press TAB on the line, where is only an attribute (like b='2' in my example).

4. I found, that problem is in the function sgml-indent-line in the (cond form.

What I need is the first condition matches, but it doesn't happen due the last test (not (sgml-element-data-p...

If I understand well, the whole condition tests, whether the point is in the element start tag, tha last test (not.... tests, whether the current element may contain PCDATA. (and fails if yes)

If I comment it out, all works fine. I have no clue, why the last test is present. Could somebody explain this? If there is some reson for this, how it may be fixed in better way?

Thanks a lot (for the whole package too :)


BTW: dou you thing about ritcher fontlock?