
Prune GPS tool / News: Recent posts

GpsPrune version 24

April 2024 - the major release version 24 of GpsPrune is now available, including a number of new features and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2024-04-27

Translation round for GpsPrune 24

For those interested in helping with bug-spotting, feature testing and translations, there's now a Test version of Gpsprune 24 available from the development page. All help with testing and translations would be very much appreciated!

Posted by activityworkshop 2024-03-09

GpsPrune version 23

June 2023 - the major release version 23 of GpsPrune is now available, including a number of new features and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2023-06-12

New tutorial videos

There are two new tutorial videos available on youtube. The first one describes planning a hike by drawing a track on the map, and the second one uses GraphHopper to prepare a track for cycling. Links to both videos can be found here: or by searching in youtube for "GpsPrune".

Posted by activityworkshop 2023-02-10

GpsPrune version 22

August 2022 - the major release version 22 of GpsPrune is now available, including a number of new features and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2022-08-28

GpsPrune version 21.2

April 2022 - the minor release version 21.2 of GpsPrune is now available, including improvements especially for those with tiny pixels or truncated Pluscodes. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2022-04-06

GpsPrune version 21.1

February 2022 - the minor release version 21.1 of GpsPrune is now available, including small extensions, fixes and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2022-02-10

Now also Catalan

GpsPrune is now also available in Catalan, using an extra downloaded translation file for use with version 21. With version 21.1, Catalan will be available as one of the built-in languages.

Posted by activityworkshop 2021-11-14

GpsPrune version 21

November 2021 - the major release version 21 of GpsPrune is now available, including a number of new features and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2021-11-06

GpsPrune version 20

March 2020 - the major release version 20 of GpsPrune is now available, including a number of new features and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2020-03-30

Text freeze for version 20

We've reached the text freeze for version 20 of GpsPrune, so the development is more or less complete, and the testing and translations can begin. All help with the translations, especially with the languages which are nearly complete, would be very welcome!

Posted by activityworkshop 2019-11-07

GpsPrune version 19.2

December 2018 - the minor release version 19.2 of GpsPrune is now available, including a selection of small fixes and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2018-12-14

GpsPrune version 19

May 2018 - after a ridiculously long delay, version 19 of GpsPrune has now finally been released, including several new functions and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2018-05-13

GpsPrune version 18.1

September 2015 - version 18.1 of GpsPrune has now been released, including a few bug fixes and feature tweaks since v18. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2015-10-05

GpsPrune version 18

July 2015 - version 18 of GpsPrune has now been released, including several new functions and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2015-07-21

Help with translations requested

The texts for version 18 of GpsPrune have now been fixed, and are up on the wiki. If you can help with this (especially those languages which were complete for v17.2), then please see the wiki:

Posted by activityworkshop 2015-05-11

Translation wiki moved to Sourceforge

Previously we used a wiki on wikispaces for managing the translation of GpsPrune texts into all the different languages. This worked well, but we are now forced to move somewhere else if we don't want to pay money for their services. So the translation wiki is now here on Sourceforge - - if you have an account on Sourceforge then you should be able to edit any of the pages and add or correct the translations.
If you have any problems with this, please raise it in the discussion forums. Thank you!

Posted by activityworkshop 2014-10-17

GpsPrune version 17

September 2014 - version 17 of GpsPrune has now been released, including several new functions and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2014-09-16

Help with translations requested

The texts for version 17 of GpsPrune have now been fixed, and are up on the wiki. If you can help with this (especially those languages which were complete for v16), then please see the wiki:

Posted by activityworkshop 2014-07-26

GpsPrune version 16

February 2014 - version 16 of GpsPrune has now been released, including several new functions and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2014-02-04

GpsPrune version 15.2

November 2013 - version 15.2 of GpsPrune has now been released, including a number of bug fixes and language improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2013-11-08

GpsPrune version 15

March 2013 - good news, version 15 of GpsPrune has now been released, including several new functions and improvements. See for more information and downloads.
The user guide has been updated and expanded to cover all the new features of version 15, and is also now available.

Posted by activityworkshop 2013-03-24

GpsPrune version 14

October 2012 - after a long wait, version 14 of GpsPrune has now been released, including a variety of new functions and improvements. See for more information and downloads.

Posted by activityworkshop 2012-10-01

Help with translations requested

The texts for version 14 of GpsPrune have now been fixed, and are up on the wiki. If you can help with this (especially those languages which were complete for v13) please see the wiki:

Posted by activityworkshop 2012-03-28

User Guide in progress

If you've ever wondered how best to use the functions of GpsPrune, or want to discover features you never knew were there, then there's a User Guide being written for you right now. This will be for sale, for a modest price, and will be downloadable in PDF format. Please see for an overview and please give your feedback.

Posted by activityworkshop 2012-03-14