Anonymous - 2010-07-31

I am getting the error 'denied', and 'timeout' no matter what program I am attempting to proxy through or what proxy I am using.

I either get:


It is always the second proxy in the chain that is failing.  If I set chain_len to be 1, the second proxy which is fails:

why would this be happening?

Ive tried making dns not tunnel through the proxy with the same effect, and I've also tried applying a few patches and re-compiling Ive found here and there with the same results.

I know 100% these proxies are up as I can check them with foxyproxy in firefox and go to whatismyip and see the proxy so I know it is up and functioning and the problem is with proxychains or a library it is using.

I've seen a couple other posts around the net with some people with the same problem and I could not find a fix.

I've used proxychains years ago with success, and I'm clueless as to why it is failing now.

Any help would be appreciated!