
Protoscope / News: Recent posts

Protoscope Proxy Support

Protoscope now supports the use of an HTTP proxy. This allows you to configure your browser to use Protoscope as a proxy without losing any connectivity to the Web. Please see the README for updated instructions on how to configure this and other features of Protoscope.

Posted by Chris Shiflett 2002-09-27

Embedded Logging Available

Release 0.7.1 of Protoscope includes a few notable features. The major feature added is embedded logging. This allows you to use Protoscope as a proxy and view the underlying HTTP transactions at the bottom of every page (non-SSL) while you browse the Web, eliminating the need to consult a log.

Posted by Chris Shiflett 2002-09-26

Protoscope 0.7.0 Released

This is the initial release of the new design of Protoscope. This utility acts as an HTTP proxy to help Web developers view the HTTP transactions that take place as they test their applications. It is now written in PHP and requires a recent release with support for sockets.

Posted by Chris Shiflett 2002-09-21

Protoscope Redesigned

The Protoscope project has been redesigned. It is now focused completely on the HTTP protocol and assisting Web developers.

In addition, it has been reimplemented with HTTP proxy behavior, so that URLs do not need to contain the port being used. Once a browser is configured to use Protoscope as a proxy, the use is transparent.

Finally, Protoscope is now written in PHP. However, it requires the CLI PHP to be configured with support for sockets. You should use the latest stable release of PHP, as the socket API was previously volatile, and Protoscope may not work.

Posted by Chris Shiflett 2002-09-20