
Proteus Cross Compiler

Proteus Web Site: http://proteuscc.sf.net

Proteus Cross Compiler is a system that allows the generation of Java executables from C/C++ and fortran code.

LLVM (http://llvm.org) compilation system (e.g. Clang or llvm-gcc/g++/gfortran) can be used to generate LLVM intermediate representation and apply various optimisations to the output. This output can then be passed to Proteus to generate Java(tm) source code and ultimately java executables. It provides implementation of some but not all C, C++ and Fortran runtime libraries.

Proteus has been written with a view to producing Java executables that run with comparable performance to the native code. Acheiving upto 85% of native speed (running on 64bit linux).

[Programs succesfully compiled with Proteus]


Wiki: Programs succesfully compiled with Proteus