
proselyte / News: Recent posts

Updates on Project Status

I re-factored a lot of the code and cleaned it up.

I also have setup the website and added a simple tutorial which couldn't be much simpler. It takes 3 lines of code and no mapping to serialize a POJO this library is definitely worth it.

To give you more control over complicated POJO Hierarchies I created 2 annotations that can be used on your POJO's to override default settings(@ProselyteStop and @ProselyteContinue) They do pretty much what you think they do Stop or Continue the processing.... read more

Posted by Michael Z. 2008-10-23

Committed Alpha Code

Submit the initial alpha code. This code has only a limited set of tests being run on it. It should work however for simple cases and I will slowly build up some documentation.

For now it should convert most jpa annotated pojo's. There are also 2 annotation classes which can be used on some pojo's that are not fully processed correctly. I will try to create a tutorial within the next week or so.

Posted by Michael Z. 2008-10-16