
Tree [r10] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 src 2010-09-29 ayanul [r10] [bug 3077886]fixed xml poperties does not work ...
 README 2010-09-28 ayanul [r9] add information for versions (update)
 pom.xml 2010-09-28 ayanul [r7] update version

Read Me

The plugin reads property and xml files and declaring them as maven project properties:

   1.0 - reads property files.
   1.0.1 - added support xml files.
It as an alternate to properties in pom.xml.

Plugin documentation

	Goals available:
		Goal							Description
		add-properties-to-project		Goal reads property files and declaring the properties as maven project properties.
		add-xml-properties-to-project	Goal reads xml files and declaring the properties as maven project properties.

From properties file:

	Configuration	Description
	files			Contains all the "*.properties" files.
	file			Contains the path to the ".properties" file.


From xml file:

	Configuration	Description
	xmlfiles		Contains all the "*.xml" files.
	file			Contains the path to the ".xml" file.
					isCanonicalName	 Builds a full path to the value. e.g.
					If isCanonicalName="true": custom.resource=path
					If isCanonicalName="false": folder=path
					Not mandatory. By default use: "false"
	spacer	 		Indicates a separator used to separate elements. e.g. custom.folder=path
					If the default "." : custom.resource=path
					If spacer="-": custom-resource=path
					Used only if the isCanonicalName="true".
				Not mandatory. By default use: "."

Sample name.xml:

Can use:

in pom.xml:
folder ${basedir}/src/main/custom-resources/${custom.resource}:
 file1.xml :

multi-module structure sample:

      |-- properties-files
      |   |-- src
      |   |   `--
      |   |-- src
      |   |   `--
      |   `-- src
      |       `--
      |-- common-module
      |   |-- pom.xml
      |   `-- src
      |       `-- main
      |           `-- java
      |               `-- test.class
      |-- modules
      |   |-- module_1
      |   |   |-- pom.xml
      |   |   `-- src
      |   |       `-- main
      |   |           `-- java
      |   |               `-- test.class
      |   |-- module_2
      |   |   |-- pom.xml
      |   |   `-- src
      |   |       `-- main
      |   |           `-- java
      |   |               `-- test.class
      |   `-- module_3
      |       |-- pom.xml
      |       `-- src
      |           `-- main
      |               `-- java
      |                   `-- test.class
      |-- pom.xml
      |-- README
      `-- web-module
          |-- pom.xml
          `-- src
              `-- main
                  `-- java
                      `-- test.class