
prometheus-library / News: Recent posts

7.0 - In the works

After a slight abscense from the code, 7.0 is progressing nicely. Look foward to a completely rewriten backend and frontend system. Currently it looks like:

Posted by Jason Orcutt 2002-05-01

6.0 Golden

Wooooot... the long awaited 6.0 is now out.
Try it, love it... hug it.. break it.. =)

Posted by Jason Orcutt 2001-08-23

6.0 beta1

6.0 beta 1 is released (finally)
- Kick it around a bit, have fun.

Posted by Jason Orcutt 2001-06-24

6.0 beta 1 is coming

Coming to a store new you soon is 6.0 beta 1, this is a major update, including a complete rewrite of attachment handling and imap connectivity.

Posted by Jason Orcutt 2001-06-06

More moving in...

Uploaded / updated the website, did the dns
changes and such.

Posted by Jason Orcutt 2001-05-23

Moving in...

Finally getting off my arse and moving all
of prometheus to sourceforge.

Posted by Jason Orcutt 2001-05-17