
Prometeo / News: Recent posts

prometeo 1.5 released

The new release offers a basic SOCKS5 module and the option to filter emails through external commands in the POP3 module.

Also, various bugs have been ironed out.

Posted by Simone Tellini 2004-09-12

1.4 re-released

I've re-uploaded the 1.4 package, as I've forgot to include the PAM directory in the previous one.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Posted by Simone Tellini 2003-07-19

prometeo 1.4 released

mod_pop3 was only working as transparent proxy, as I've forgotten to implement the explicit proxy part before releasing it (and I did know I was forgetting something, mind you).

Anyway, now it works as stated in docs/mod_pop3.txt

Posted by Simone Tellini 2003-06-20

prometeo 1.3 released

The new release of prometeo fixes transparent proxy for all the modules, implements SSL tunneling in mod_http and features a new POP3 module able to filter mails through SpamAssassin.

Posted by Simone Tellini 2003-06-01

prometeo 1.2 released

The new release of prometeo contains several changes to the HTTP module.

In particular, stability has been improved and filters to block popups and browser resizing have been implemented.

Posted by Simone Tellini 2003-04-11

prometeo 1.1 released

This new release of prometeo fixes a potential crash when zlib is not available but gzip encoding was enabled in mod_http.

Posted by Simone Tellini 2003-02-14

prometeo 1.0 initial release

An initial release of proemeteo is available on

It's not listed yet in the file section, as I'd like to receive some feedback before doing a proper release.

So, if you think you need an HTTP/FTP/SSL proxy, please check it out :)

Posted by Simone Tellini 2003-01-06