
ProjectStatus / News: Recent posts

ProjectStatus 1.2 Beta 2 Released!

1.2 Beta 2 is here! With just some very minor bug fixes, we've managed to fix a few back end issues mainly including a few broken links here and there.

Admin back end also now features a latest users panel on the index page. Only two files updated, see changelog. No SQL updates required.

I'm surprised at how few .... or no ... bugs have been reported in ProjectStatus 1.2. We might be able to expect the final around the 5th, I think I have a few minor additions and changes to make before then.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-25

1.2 Beta PR Released - Surprise!

I have finished the pre-release of 1.2 Beta 1 way before I thought I would, so I have decided to release it 3 days early.

It is now available, all 555kb's of it. Yup, 555kb's, it has become almost 10x as big, there are almost three times as many features inside this new version.

The code is much cleaner and easier to navigate through, I'm really impressed with this version. I have also included a non-prepopulated database with this version, so if you didn't want my pre-set values for everything then you don't have to start with them and have to delete them all.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-21

1.2 - Coding Completed, Undergoing final tests!

Hey guys! Great news. 1.2 Beta PR has been completed far before I expected. I am doing some very final code clean-ups and double checking everything works as per it should.

This is great news, I am going to get this release out to you guys definately by the 24th with all the updates and changes in place.

It's really looking fantastic guys, I really hope you all enjoy it when I get it out.

I'm already starting to think about 1.3, I've had a lot of little brain storms and thought up a heap of fantastic new ideas for it.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-21

1.2 Beta - Public Preview Available!

Well the release of 1.2 Beta is getting closer and closer with each passing day. Finally we have some proof about how brilliant this version really is.

We encourage anyone showing interest in ProjectStatus v1.2 to take a look at the public front-end preview running @

This is the live ProjectStatus system powering our bug tracker / road map.

Feel free to signup for an account to give everything a real test.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-19

1.2 available as early as 25th of Aug

Great news guys! 1.2 has been coming along excellently in the past few days. Thats why I'm proud to announce the PRE-RELEASE may be available as early as the 25th of August.

The pre-release will have all promised features, however. It will not include any documentation, installer or updater. It will only include the script, images and SQL dump from the testing server.

The final beta release of 1.2 won't be available until around the 5th of September. That version will include documentation, a PHP installer and upgrader. You won't need to upgrade from the pre-release to the first beta.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-16

More 1.2 Previews. It's looking fantastic!

Wow, another news post! Hmm ... yeah anyway.

This is a quick post to let you all know I've added 3 new screenshots from 1.2 Beta. Now these aren't pictures i've dummied up to show you what it WILL look like, these are ACTUAL alt+prtscn screenshots of the script in ACTUAL working condition.

It's coming along excellently, I almost can't believe it. Since ( as i mentioned in my last post ) I am now working on this full time, I might be able to make the 30th deadline with all these extra features.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-13

1.2 More Features, More Fun – Delayed

The ProjectStatus team are announcing some good and bad news today.

To start with the bad news, unfortunately we may be unable to meet the August 30th Deadline for 1.2 Beta. We are unsure yet if it WILL be delayed however it's currently looking very possible, if it is delayed it may be released as late as the 30th of September. We'll keep you updated on that.

However, for the GOOD news now!

1.2 Has a bunch of new features on the list, here are the 1.2 Features as of 13/08/2006;... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-13

New Website & Forums Open!

The projectstatus team are proud to announce we've spiffed up our website a little bit, added some forums and purchased it's own domain name.

More specifically, we've added a news feed from our sourceforge project page to the index page and we've added a few links and some other cool stuff too.

New Website:

We've installed vBulletin 3.6.0 and it's now up and running at; read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-11

ADOdb Implementation Planned for 1.2

ProjectStatus is proud to announce we will be implementing ADOdb support in ProjectStatus 1.2. This will be a fantastic addition to the software and is a massive step in the right direction.

Furthermore, it won't only make back end improvements. By implementing ADOdb into our script we will be able to finally properly add multiple-page listing functionalities into the script.

Multiple-Page listings are crucial for the larger installations that have more than 2 or 3 Bugs / Suggestions added a day.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-10

1.1 Final Released & 1.2 Sneak Preview!

The first ever 'Final' ProjectStatus release is here! Version 1.1 is the first stable release of this software and we're proud to get it out after the first alpha passed all our bug tests.

To obtain v1.1 Final visit and follow the download link!

As you may have noticed there is a screenshot of the feature suggestion listing page of v1.2 as it's the most colorful feature-added screenshot of 1.2.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-09

ProjectStatus 1.1 Alpha Released!

The current releases of ProjectStatus seem to be coming up quite often. With the release of 1.0 Beta earlier on Sunday, the alpha release of version 1.1 has been released.

There wont be any more feature improvement versions until 1.1 Stable is released, hopefully sometime later next week.

We ask everyone to grab a copy of ProjectStatus 1.1 and give it a try, it comes with upgrade instructions for those who currently have 1.0 Beta.... read more

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-08

ProjectStatus Beta 1.0 Released!

The first public release of ProjectStatus is here! This feature tracking software is finally available, while it's still very basic we hope to add two new features per month.

We're looking forward to finalizing v1.0, why not help us by grabbing a copy and taking it for a test drive?

For more information;

Posted by Callan Milne 2006-08-05