Nick Faregran - 2015-05-06
  • Description has changed:


--- old
+++ new
@@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
 Tested in versión 1.5.9

-Generate a Project
-Create new tasks:
- t0, with 2 subtasks:
-    t1, 8 hours
-    t2, 8 hours
-Create a new resource r1, cost $1/hour
-Assign resource r1 to t1 and t2
-Save as Baseline
-Add a new resource not available in Baseline:
-   r2, cost $2/hour
-Go to Costs view, have Cost, Baseline cost
-   See baseline costs:
-    t0 -> $16
-      t0 -> $8
-      t0 -> $8
-Go to task t1 -> Assign resources. You can:
-  - Replace r1 with r2
-  - Take out r1, add r2
-New cost for t1 is $16, new cost for t0 is $24, that's ok
-See new baseline costs:
-    t0 -> $8
-      t0 -> $8
-      t0 -> $8
+1. Generate a Project
++ Create new tasks:
+    * t0, with 2 subtasks:
+    * t1, 8 hours
+    * t2, 8 hours
++ Create a new resource r1, cost $1/hour
++ Assign resource r1 to t1 and t2
++ Save as Baseline
++ Add a new resource not available in Baseline:
+  * r2, cost $2/hour
++ Go to Costs view, have Cost, Baseline cost. See baseline costs:
+      * <b>t0 -> $16</b>
+      * t0 -> $8
+      * t0 -> $8
++ Go to task t1 -> Assign resources. You can either:
+  * Replace r1 with r2
+  * Take out r1, add r2
++ New cost for t1 is $16, new cost for t0 is $24, that's ok
++ See new baseline costs:
+    * <b>t0 -> $8 WRONG!!</b>
+    * t0 -> $8
+    * t0 -> $8

 This invalidates baseline costs totally