
ProGuard + Spring Boot application obfuscation

  • Thiago Pereira

    Thiago Pereira - 2016-11-15

    Hi guys.
    I recently tried to obfuscate with ProGuard 5.3.1 a .jar file created with spring boot 1.4.2 framework.

    However, I am receiving the following return:

    ProGuard, version 5.3.1
    Reading program jar [/Users/thiago/Desktop/base-1.0.0.jar]
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/BaseApplication.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/configuration/AuthProvider.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/configuration/ServletCustomizer.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/configuration/WebSecurityConfiguration.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/controller/AdviceController.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/controller/AgendaController.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/controller/CaixaController.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/validation/ProfissionalValidator.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/validation/ServicoValidator.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Warning: class [BOOT-INF/classes/br/com/coderi/base/validation/UsuarioValidator.class] unexpectedly contains class []
    Reading library jar [/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_101.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    Warning: there were 97 classes in incorrectly named files.
             You should make sure all file names correspond to their class names.
             The directory hierarchies must correspond to the package hierarchies.
             If you don't mind the mentioned classes not being written out,
             you could try your luck using the '-ignorewarnings' option.
    Please correct the above warnings first.

    This is the hierarchy of the .jar file:

    ├── BOOT-INF
    │   ├── classes
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── banner.txt
    │   │   ├── br
    │   │   │   └── com
    │   │   │       └── coderi
    │   │   │           └── base
    │   │   │               ├── BaseApplication.class
    │   │   │               ├── configuration
    │   │   │               │   ├── AuthProvider.class
    │   │   │               │   ├── [...]
    │   │   │               ├── controller
    │   │   │               │   ├── [...]
    │   │   │               ├── model
    │   │   │               │   ├── [...]
    │   │   │               ├── repositories
    │   │   │               │   ├── [...]
    │   │   │               ├── services
    │   │   │               │   ├── [...]
    │   │   │               ├── utils
    │   │   │               │   ├── [...]
    │   │   │               └── validation
    │   │   │                   ├── [...]
    │   │   ├── i18n
    │   │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── static
    │   │   │   ├── [...]
    │   │   └── templates
    │   │       ├── [...]
    │   └── lib
    │       ├── activation-1.1.jar
    │       └── [...]
    ├── META-INF
    │   ├── MANIFEST.MF
    │   └── maven
    │       └──
    │           └── base
    │               ├──
    │               └── pom.xml
    └── org
        └── springframework
            └── boot
                └── loader
                    ├── [...]

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Eric Lafortune

    Eric Lafortune - 2016-11-15

    Hi Thiago,

    ProGuard requires that the names of the class files in a jar file correspond directly to the names of the classes, without a prefix like "BOOT-INF/classes". You should unpack the class files in a directory and provide the class root directory as input to ProGuard, e.g. "-injars /tmp/BOOT-INF/classes". When ProGuard has processed the code, you can repackage the processed classes with the proper hierarchy for Spring Boot.

    See the ProGuard manual > Troubleshooting > Warning: class file ... unexpectedly contains class ...


    • Thiago Pereira

      Thiago Pereira - 2016-11-16

      Hi Erick, thanks for your answer.
      I am already extracting the classes directory to use as input in ProGuard (and apparently it's okay now), However I am not able to repackage in the spring hierarchy (when creating the .jar file, the spring structure is not maintained).

      Please, can you help me with this?

  • Jan-Philipp Kappmeier

    Hi Thiago,

    Spring Boot basically requires three directories, BOOT-INF, META-INF and org. Obfuscation of your own classes and repacking to a fat jar can be roughly done the following way:

    # Extract the unobfuscated fat jar from Spring Boot
    jar xvf input.jar
    # Execute ProGuard, as input for ProGuard use
    # -injars BOOT-INF/classes/
    java -jar proguard.jar @ proguard.conf
    # If you also want to obfuscate the libs, add
    # -injars BOOT-INF/lib
    # Be aware, probably needs filtering, if some but not all libs should be obfuscated. I have not tested, but I believe the Spring Framwork libraries should not be obfuscated because they would require a lot of keep exceptions in the ProGuard configuration.
    # If some of the libs should be used for obfuscation in the copy step below **remove** the libs before copying, otherwise the old files remain in the fat jar.
    # Copy the old files excluding the classes to a new directory.
    # First, the classes are stored here:
    mkdir obfuscated/BOOT-INF
    mkdir obfuscated/BOOT-INF/classes
    # I assume the output is obfuscated-classes.jar
    # It has to be extracted in the new output
    cp obfuscated-classes.jar obfuscated/BOOT-INF/classes
    pushd obfuscated/BOOT-INF/classes
    jar xvf obfuscated-classes.jar
    rm obfuscated-classes.jar
    # Copy the remaining files
    boot_directories=(BOOT-INF/lib META-INF org)
    for boot_directory in ${boot_directories[@]}; do
        mkdir -p "./obfuscated/$boot_directory"
        copy_command="cp -R ./$boot_directory/* ./obfuscated/$boot_directory/"
        eval $copy_command
    # Finally, create a new jar
    pushd obfuscated
    # Be aware: do not use * as selector, the order of the entries in the resulting jar is important!
    jar c0mf ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF input-obfuscated.jar BOOT-INF/classes/ BOOT-INF/lib/ META-INF/ org/
    # Now, there is a jar obfuscated/input-obfuscated.jar that is a Spring Boot fat jar whose BOOT-INF/classes directory is obfuscated.

    I hope this could help you somhow