
#504 dontpreverify leaves malformed preverification data

Garry Boyer

Greetings, I happen to work for Google on an android app, and ran into an issue. I also come bearing a patch :-)

Steps to reproduce failure:
- Create a JAR that is already preverified (e.g. one compiled with JDK7)
- Feed that as input to Proguard with both -dontpreverify and -optimize
- Feed that JAR back into Proguard

Proguard will fail with a message saying the StackTableMap contains invalid verification types outside the range of 1-9:

Error: Can't read [/build/cas/2b7/2b7ca8993268c2fcbe8b9b3042f22679] (Can't process class [com/google/android/apps/plus/content/EsApiProvider.class] (Unknown verification type [79] in stack map frame))
ERROR: /google/src/cloud/gboyer/esa/google3/java/com/google/android/apps/plusone/BUILD:833:1: Generating streamlined input jar for main dex classes list //java/com/google/android/apps/plusone:PlusOnePre-v19-multidex_stripped_jar failed (Exit 1).

It appears that during optimization, the old preverification information is left in. However, the information is now nonsensical. My patch is to strip preverification information when no preverification info is provided.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #504


  • Garry Boyer

    Garry Boyer - 2014-03-19

    Ick, I forgot to remove unused imports.

    It's been a long time since I've used Sourceforge and Mercurial. Please let me if there is a more proper way to submit a patch.

  • Garry Boyer

    Garry Boyer - 2014-03-19

    Forgot to add, bug is also valid at tip. (My patch is based on tip).

  • Eric Lafortune

    Eric Lafortune - 2014-03-20

    Thanks for your report. The option -dontpreverify should be used with care. It can result in invalid preverification information, notably if at the same time, obfuscation is disabled (-dontobfuscate) or stack map table attributes are kept (-keepattributes StackMapTable). The obfuscation step by default removes the old stack map table attributes, and the preverification step recomputes them.

    I would only use the option for applications that are transformed to Dalvik bytecode right away, in which case the stack map table attributes are irrelevant and ignored. I would not use it for libraries that may undergo further processing.

    That being said, it's probably better to protect users from confusing cases like this one. I don't take external code contributions or patches, but I'll see what I can do.

  • Eric Lafortune

    Eric Lafortune - 2014-03-20
    • assigned_to: Eric Lafortune
    • Garry Boyer

      Garry Boyer - 2014-03-20

      I don't know why I didn't just think of removing that attribute.

      We don't preverify since it nearly doubles the total runtime in the
      particular config we are using.
      On Mar 19, 2014 7:05 PM, "Eric Lafortune" wrote:

      • assigned_to: Eric Lafortune

      Status: open
      Group: v4.9
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 05:11 PM UTC by Garry Boyer
      Last Updated: Thu Mar 20, 2014 02:04 AM UTC
      Owner: Eric Lafortune

      Greetings, I happen to work for Google on an android app, and ran into an
      issue. I also come bearing a patch :-)

      Steps to reproduce failure:
      - Create a JAR that is already preverified (e.g. one compiled with JDK7)
      - Feed that as input to Proguard with both -dontpreverify and -optimize
      - Feed that JAR back into Proguard

      Proguard will fail with a message saying the StackTableMap contains
      invalid verification types outside the range of 1-9:

      Error: Can't read /build/cas/2b7/2b7ca8993268c2fcbe8b9b3042f22679
      Generating streamlined input jar for main dex classes list
      failed (Exit 1).

      It appears that during optimization, the old preverification information
      is left in. However, the information is now nonsensical. My patch is to
      strip preverification information when no preverification info is provided.

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      Bugs: #504

      • Garry Boyer

        Garry Boyer - 2014-03-20

        Actually, I think the problem is our combination of flags. This is for a
        development build where we don't obfuscate, but keep some optimizations on,
        and don't want to preverify because it's slow. The attribute filter is
        applied however only as part of obfuscation. Perhaps if the attribute
        filter could be run even when obfuscation is off, that'd solve the issue
        for us.

        We enable some optimization, otherwise we can't keep under the dex limit.
        But it seems we can work around by either obfuscationg or enabling

  • Eric Lafortune

    Eric Lafortune - 2014-04-17

    ProGuard now always clears preverification information if the option -dontpreverify is specified. Coming up in ProGuard 5.0 beta1.

  • Eric Lafortune

    Eric Lafortune - 2014-04-17
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Eric Lafortune

    Eric Lafortune - 2014-08-19
    • Status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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