
To Do List

Steven F. Lott

Some rewrites that seem appropriate.

  • The pre-TOC intro for each chapter looks sort of OK in HTML,
    but is really confusing. They look good in LaTeX, but...
    Remove them.

  • Reduce or relocate all of part 1.

  • Further simplify part 2.

  • Split looping into two chapters.

  • Relocate bits-and-bytes and octal and stuff.

  • Remove part 12 entirely.

  • Rethink part 9.

  • Really want to use |bbrk| for "visible space" but HTML output doesn't play
    well. This character's not in the default font.

  • Originally (pre-Sphinx) used |lang| and |rang| for optional syntax. Now
    that Sphinx is in use, it's slightly simpler to use |lsqb| and |rsqb|.

  • Remove :samp:... where not needed

  • Fix ()'s and similar constructs to remove the apostrophe

  • Check for any remaining \


Wiki: Building Skills in Programming