
Proficio / News: Recent posts

Version 0.4 released

The application has been renamed (again) to "Proficio", which in latin means "I make progress". Hopefully this name should be stable for some time, and the Unix name of the project will soon be changed to match it.

A major new feature is that the user now has the choice between a "Test" mode which ends by displaying the score and the review page (as previously), and a "Training" mode which asks the questions with incorrect answers again until no mistake is made any more.... read more

Posted by Olivier Jacquemin 2009-01-27

Version 0.3 released

First, the old name "Ménapien !" is dropped in favor of a much better one: "Cogito".

Subtractions tables have been added.

The User Interface has been redesigned, and some fancy special effects have been added.

Posted by Olivier Jacquemin 2008-11-22

Version 0.2 released

Additions tables are available in addition (!) to multiplication tables.

After each answer, a short feedback (yes / no + correction) can be displayed.

Posted by Olivier Jacquemin 2008-09-04

Version 0.1.1 released

This is a bug-fixing release only, for *actual* IE compatibility.

Other changes are invisible: improvement of the internal structure and introduction of automated unit tests (based on JsUnit).

Posted by Olivier Jacquemin 2008-02-07

Version 0.1 released

This is the initial release of "Ménapien !".

At the moment only one application is implemented: multiplication tables.

It has been tested in Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7.

Posted by Olivier Jacquemin 2007-08-24

Project creation

The "Menapien !" project has just been registered!

The initial release should be available soon.

Posted by Olivier Jacquemin 2007-08-22