
Welcome to Open Discussion

Carl Wolff
  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2010-03-07

    Welcome to Open Discussion

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2011-06-13

    Thanks for linux process explorer!

    some improve suggestions:
    process properties window:
    - should be bigger (about +100px height, +100px width
    - does not need a "ok" button since it gets closed with "Esc" key
    - tab "image": Labels "current directory", "Command line" and "Started" are cut on the left
    - tab "image": should show CPU time  and nice (or in tab "performance")
    - tab "performance" does not show anything but stays empty, same for "threads", "Security" and "Strings"
    - tab "performance graph" could show shared/private memory or VIRT/RES/SHR like htop does, show overlay on hovering
    - tab "performance graph": graphs should be labeled, horizontally (time) and vertically (% for CPU load, kB/MB for Memory, …)
    - tab "TCP/IP": show in table, resolve host names

    main window, table:
    - columns in main window should automatically fit screen width or should be at least 5 chars wide
    - process | set priority does not do anything. It should need administrative privileges. Please do
        a) request these privileges
        b) inform the user that he is not allowed to do this and disable menu Items
    - search function for process names
    - please do NOT place context menu directly under cursor position, one may accidentially click a menu item!
    - why are process names set in braces?
    - how about additional columns, e.g. CPU Time, priority, nice, like htop does
    - show successive lines in different colors, e.g. every second line is light gray instead of white
    - open process properties window for current selected thread on pressing  or  and on double-click
    - remember column settings

    main window, menu/toolbar:
    - use toolbar for some (toggle-)buttons, e.g. "Tree view" "processes from all users"
    - show information (overlay) on hovering graphs (in main window and system information window)
    - help | about (menu) does not do anything for me. should it start a browser?
    - key bindings
    - remember window size
    - add function to search for open file (with lsof) like "search for handle or DLL" on windows procexp

    - show detailed memory information in system information window (e.g. different colors by user, different color for cache, maybe different color for shared memory)
    - show linux commands you used to get this information (in status bar)
    - process explorer can not be stopped by pressing CTRL+C on console, python or procexp does not handle this correctly
    - I am getting this error when starting process explorer from console:

    (<unknown>:15522): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/ falsche ELF-Klasse: ELFCLASS64
    (<unknown>:17192): Gtk-WARNING **: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed

    ("falsche ELF-Klasse" means wrong ELF-Class, translated from German)
    I use gnome3, ibus and python-ibus are installed. The file /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/ exists but is an 64bit ELF since I am running Linux x86-64

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-16

    - does not need a "ok" button since it gets closed with "Esc" key

    changed my opinion, this functionality is good/correct.

    Since you didn't compile procexp, the ELF Error does no more occur. Furthermore you can use the same i386 debian package for amd64. This package should be marked as architecture-independend

  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2012-03-20

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your comments. When I hive time, i will process them.

    > process explorer can not be stopped by pressing CTRL+C on console, python or procexp does not handle this correctly
    This one is already solved in latest version.

    The empty tabs are there because the functionality is not implemented yet.

    Some questions:
    - Wich platform/version dou you use and which download (source or debian installer?
    - What is your use case for using this tool?

    Best regards

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-20

    I'm currently using Ubuntu 11.10 amd64 with procexp 1.0 from sources since dpkg/apt/synaptic don't like x386 packages. But the contents of this package you uploaded to in fact is just python interpretable code („source code“) and not compiled thus architecture-independend.

    Use case is the same as htop/gnome-system-monitor, but procexp is more comfortable:
    • analyse which process is producing CPU load, Network load, RAM usage
    • which process is using TCP/IP, connecting to which IP, look up if they use TOR
    • stop/kill hang up processes
    • testing applications / finding bugs
    • home use only (no server)

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-20

    Ok, monitoring RAM usage does not work at the moment, but that's no big problem…

  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2012-03-20

    Hi Chris,
    Just checked in a minor fix, the CTRL-C issue I mentioned earlier.

    Interesting that RAM usage monitoring does not work?

    Thanks, Carl.

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-20

    "View | System Information" shows memory usage, but for the whole OS
    The main window/table does not show any information on memory usage, just these columns: "Process | PID | CPU | Command Line | User | Chan | #thread" instead htop does display "VIRT | RES | SHR" and gnome-system-monitor shows one memory usage number.
    The properties window does display memory information in "Performance Graph" Tab, but that's not very intuitional… .

  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2012-03-21

    Hello Chris,
    I Understand: the memory figures should be in the main screen also: system wide memeory usage, and also columns per process.


  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-21

    Yeah, that's what I meant.

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-21

    btw: thanks for the architecture-independent debian package, works fine! But you may rename /usr/bin/ to /usr/bin/procexp .
    And if you had a symbol for procexp you could bundle it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/… and bunde a file /usr/share/applications/procexp.desktop with these contents:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Linux Process Explorer
    GenericName=System monitoring tool
    Comment=Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2012-03-21

    Hello Chris,
    thanks for the recipe, i will implement it asap.

    there is a lot to do as a result of your comments :-), the target is to get procexp in the end in standard ubuntu/debian distro's!

    best regards,

  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2012-03-22

    Hello Chris,

    added a new version with some of your packaging hints added. The renaming of to procexp ran into too much difficulty: debian package tooling complains withs ome strange things I do not understand withinb reasonable time :-)

    Can you test it?

    best regards

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-23

    the .desktop file works (using Gnome 3). No problems reported from dpkg while installing procexp package. I did remove the old version manually since replacing didn't work.

    btw: there are some encoding problems, see this screenshot: There are problems with German umlauts ä, ö, ü and ß just as '–'

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-23

    And sorry, it is still /usr/bin/ instead of /usr/bin/procexp

  • Carl Wolff

    Carl Wolff - 2012-03-25

    Hello Chris,

    thanks for testing. I start now with an overhaul of the code and refactoring (hopefully with some self tests) to increase maintainability and to get ready for the implementation of the remaining fuctionality and your previous improvement hints.

    Please check the project regurlarly, as i promote "often release"

    best regards,

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-03-25

    No problem! Good luck!

    Right: „Release early, release often“ ;)

    I'll keep testing what you release to (I subscribed via RSS Feed)


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