
Problem XML / News: Recent posts

First published release of the problem.xml editor

The first, very primitive version of a program for editing problems in the Standard format is now available in the Downloads section

Posted by Thomas Maeder 2007-10-10

New release 0.9 of problemXMLviewer

New features:
- support for certain types of twinnings (e.g. change of fairy condition)

- several (see Changes on download page)

Posted by Thomas Maeder 2007-08-26

New release 0.8 of problemXMLviewer

Adapted to the current (release candidate) state of the format

Big documents are loaded much more smoothly.
More robust against unexpected content in the viewed document.
Observations about unexpected content are now logged into a new widget text created for the purpose.
Don't pretend to know whether we have check or mate in fairy problems.

Posted by Thomas Maeder 2007-07-31

Release candidate 2 of the format (+ examples)

Release candidate 1 had incomplete information in the PDB samples

Posted by Thomas Maeder 2007-07-29

Release candidate 1 of the format (+ examples)

The 1st release candidate of the XML Schema for the Standard format is now available from the download page, along with some example files.

Posted by Thomas Maeder 2007-07-25

New release of viewer

Release 0.6 of the viewer program is available for download.

Posted by Thomas Maeder 2007-06-20