
RPG Game Project / News: Recent posts

added basic documentation

akroot/doc folder added with basic documentation.

Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-30

compiling time reduced to its %30

I've changed the structure in which the precompiled header includes everything and each source file only includes that p.c.header.
As there're kıads of things to parse in each file (windows.h, stl, boost, fmod, cs ....) it took at least 30-40 seconds for a simple file.
Now every header file includes referenced structures (not pointers) and each source includes its own stuff.

I've coded a utility macro for crystal space interfaces as memorizing their header file paths is difficult.... read more

Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-22

crystal space integrated.

I've integrated crystal space engine and committed to cvs.


Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-21

finally got our first app running.

I've coded the kernel stuff and basic sound,video tasks.

now never raid shows a blank screen. and succesfully terminates.

Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-16

uploaded the very first version to cvs


I've recently uploaded a very simple version of the cig1.

it includes
- reference counting
- memory management
- smart pointers
- SDL import.
- STL import.
- excel import (export will be ready soon)
- filemapping (this is windows dependent)
- singleton class.
-some basic functions
- string/file parsing
- tab delimited file import/export.

I'll soon code the kernel, task pooling and basic tasks like input and sound. perhaps before the weekend and commit as soon as possible.... read more

Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-10

irc channel for prjrpg

I hate both msn and icq. I use them only for looking up who's online and who's not.

server afternet
channel #prjrpg

no password required.
please be online as much as you can.

Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-08

welcome to our new member.

Hi guys,

I'm trying to wake up the project these days.

Schacklaban our latest transfer.
(call him as Tayyar).

He likes gpl stuff and linux. Knows alot on programming with many languages.

for more details refer to him.


Posted by Aykut Kilic 2003-11-08