
Tree [4050dc] master v0.1.4 /

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File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2016-05-14 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [ee5da2] Added configuration for Maven
 src 2016-09-07 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [4594d6] Updated version text to v0.1.4
 .classpath 2016-05-16 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [481847] Configured for Maven and m2Eclipse
 .gitattributes 2016-09-07 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [549e34] Changed LF line endings from .txt files to .res...
 .gitignore 2016-05-14 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [912b09] Added directory structure for unit tests, inclu...
 .project 2016-05-14 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [ee5da2] Added configuration for Maven
 .pversion 2014-03-10 Malin Anker Malin Anker [9c4ec4] Up-to-date version of PriorityPruner
 LICENSE.txt 2016-05-16 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [a15502] Added License 2016-05-17 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [f2cbbb] Updated text
 dependency-reduced-pom.xml 2016-09-07 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [4594d6] Updated version text to v0.1.4
 pom.xml 2016-09-07 Christopher Edlund Christopher Edlund [4594d6] Updated version text to v0.1.4

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java -jar PriorityPruner.jar [OPTIONS]


Documentation is available at

Building from source code

1) Install Git

2) Clone PriorityPruner code repository:

git clone git:// prioritypruner-code

3) Install JDK version 8 or higher, and make sure $JAVA_HOME points to this installation

4) Install Maven version 3 or higher, and add the Maven bin folder to $PATH

5) Install jar dependencies from source code folder into your local Maven repository:

cd prioritypruner-code

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/resources/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar \
   -DgroupId=commons-cli -DartifactId=commons-cli -Dversion=1.2 -Dpackaging=jar

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/resources/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar \
   -DgroupId=log4j -DartifactId=log4j -Dversion=1.2.17 -Dpackaging=jar

6) You should now be ready to run various phases of the Maven lifecycle:

  • To validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available, run:

mvn validate

  • To compile the source code, run:

mvn compile

  • To clean the build (delete everything in the target folder), run:

mvn clean

  • To run unit and regressions tests, run:

mvn test

  • To package as a jar (in the "target" folder), run:

mvn package

  • To package as a jar (in the "target" folder) without running tests, run:

mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Developed By

  • Christopher K. Edlund
  • Malin Anker
  • Fredrick R. Schumacher
  • W. James Gauderman
  • David V. Conti