
principia / Blog: Recent posts

Where is the source code?

I am struggling with Git.

I can install the Git Tool and use the repository via the tool generated instructions. The only problem is that the Sourceforge view of the tool/repository reports that the repository is empty.

When this issue is solved I will provide the code and treat this as the primary repository.

  • I am using this as an excuse to introduce a modicum of professionalism to the code, in particular, documentation.
Posted by Graham Barbour 2012-10-17

Tightening from the LaTeX side

In this round I have been working from the LaTeX perspective with the aim of controlling as many LaTeX errors as possible, as well as providing a useful error reporting and logging mechanism.

Consequently, design effort has focussed primarily on the [PriTeX Package] system, with most new code being written in LaTeX and TeX.

I found that the complexity of the LaTeX code rapidly became unmanageable. TeX, of course, is an idiosyncratic weakly-typed non-object-oriented functional language. Further, package development demands much meta-programming (code that writes code, macros as objects, etc), a feature of functional languages.... read more

Posted by Graham Barbour 2012-10-14