
PriDE / News: Recent posts

PriDE 2.4.0 released

There are actually not too much changes, but we added support for enums which also means end-of-life for JDK 1.4 support. The Eclipse plugin will be added soon but the plugin from older versions is still fully functional.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2009-11-13

PriDE version 2.3.2 released

Just a few little improvements to the world's smallest Java O/R mapping toolkit.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2007-06-09

PriDE version 2.3.1 released

This release just provides a few nice little improvements. Following the common trend, the build management has been changed from make to Ant, although the PriDE team declares to hate XML as a programming or script syntax ;-)

Posted by Jan Lessner 2005-12-09

PriDE 2.3.0 released

This release provides support for retrieval of auto-generated insertion fields and a few additional minor improvements. The toolkit is now made available under the LGPL licence.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2005-06-05

PriDE version 2.2.2 released

This version includes an Ant task for using PriDE's entity generator in Ant build scripts and a tiny but important bugfix for multi-threading applications.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2005-03-01

Version 2.2.1 released

This is a minor maintenance release providing a missing update of the PriDE Eclipse plugin and some improvements for joins. Consult the documentation how to use the extended join support.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2005-01-06

PriDE @ W-JAX 2004

PriDE's design principles and its approach for lightweight O/R mapping will be presented at the W-JAX 2004. Have a look at session E12 (,id,205,nodeid,.html#E12) or the W-JAX Homepage

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-10-11

Mailing list pride-users initiated

Interested PriDE users may now exchange information, using the new mailing list pride-users. Visit for subscription!

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-08-26

PriDE version 2.2.0 released

A nasty debugging relict has been removed, causing queries to become up to 50% faster. Hey folks: thousands of downloads and nobody has ever discovered that thing before?? Well, the performance seems to be quite good, isn't it? ;-)

ResultSet data extraction was flexibelized. By default, data access is now performed by-name and is repeated by-index in case of an error.

Thanks Andre Costa for improvements of the entity generator.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-07-29

Hotfix version 2.1.3 released

This is a tiny hot fix to add support for database-managed columns which must not be provided on record creation (usually auto-sequence columns). Check out new function ObjectAdapter.getAutoFields() for details!

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-06-29

Integration with CUBA

CUBA is a small OpenSource framework for the development of components which can be run as EJBs, AXIS WebServices, or in a stand-alone application. PriDE can be integrated as a persistence manager in CUBA. See the database examples on the CUBA website at

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-06-28

Version 2.1.2 released

I little maintenance release, fixing some minor bugs in the entity generator and the Eclipse plugin reported in the last few weeks. Nothing spectacular :-)

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-06-21

Version 2.1.1 released

This update is mainly focussed on some new and helpful features of PriDE's entity generator and the corresponding Eclipse plugin. See the history for details.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-04-12

PriDE 2.1.0 with Eclipse Plugin released

Beside some improvements, PriDE includes a plugin for Eclipse 2.x now for convenient generation of entity types from within the IDE.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2004-02-23

Support for Postgres

Recent application projects proved PriDE being suitable for Postgres too. Other supported databases are DB2, Oracle, Cloudscape, HSQL, and MySQL.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2003-12-06

PriDE 2.0.4 released

This release includes the new quickstart tutorial and two bugfixes for some nasty problems with derived record descriptors.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2003-10-28

Quickstart tutorial added

Want to learn PriDE in 15 minutes? Have a look at the new quick start tutorial page at

Posted by Jan Lessner 2003-10-26

PriDE @ MATHEMA Campus 2003

PriDE will be presented at the MATHEMA Campus 2003. For the conference program see

Posted by Jan Lessner 2003-10-08

PriDE @ W-JAX 2003

PriDE and the design principles for lightweight O/R mappers will be presented at the W-JAX 2003. Have a look at session E24 ( or the W-JAX Homepage

Posted by Jan Lessner 2003-10-02

Version 2.0.2 released

This update includes minor improvements fixing a few reported bugs.

Posted by Jan Lessner 2003-09-30