
Prez / News: Recent posts

Prez 1.6.1 Out

Made color options affect all but the options window

Made text color change to pink if its set to be the same as background

Options save to file(options.txt) now and are loaded on start

Some work on Highscores(Soo close to being done!)

Bug Fix::Program closes cleanly now

Posted by The_Code 2006-01-03

Prez 1.6.0 Out

Added options

Posted by The_Code 2005-12-31

Prez 1.5.4 Out

Finished birth year question

Posted by The_Code 2005-12-31

Prez 1.5.3 Out

*Score Window Working
*Highscore Window Comeing Along
*Fixed President Selection Bug
*Fixed Bug Where The "Done" and "Next->" Buttons Were Enabled Before You Selected Your Question Number(I set it up that way when I added the "New" menu item.)
*Now Installs To Any Directory Not Just C:\PREZ
*Started Working on a Website(Mostly done just need to get it off the old Linux Box)
*more that i'm probably forgeting

Posted by The_Code 2005-12-18