
Prerecord / News: Recent posts

SVN Updated

SVN is now holding the latest version of project. I know site is ugly, there is mess and so on. But it's my first time in SF, and I need some time.
First working version includes 3 directiories:
- prerecord - main daemon,
- prerecord_api - API written in C to make your own client,
- prerecord_qt - example client, written in Qt4.
Daemon has been written in C in KDevelop3. Qt client has been written in C++ in QtCreator 1.0. I didn't check how to compile it without those enviornments, but there are some makefiles, which should work.
Client uses only Qt4, but server needs Mini-XML library ( ) and pthread. You will need to compile also developer headers for MP3 LAME, FLAC and Ogg Vorbis.
Binaries are also included in SVN - check prerecord/debug/src/prerecord and prerecord_qt/prerecord_qt files.

Posted by paul 2009-04-25