
PreNIS / News: Recent posts

Prenis 1.2.1 released

Prenis Version 1.2.1 has now been released. It contains minor changes, such as allowing a "vs" parameter with ##import to allow specifying the version of Visual Studio eg vs=2008.

The solution has also been converted to use Visual Studio 2008 format.

Posted by Stephen Trembath 2008-08-25

Prenis 1.2 Released - Visual Studio 2008 support

PreNIS 1.2 has been released. It contains a minor change so that Prenis will recognise Visual Studio 2008 projects, and handle them as it does Visual Studio 2005 projects.

As the differences between VS2005 and VS2008 projects appear minimal on initial inspection, Prenis should work with both, though we will continue to monitor this.

Posted by Stephen Trembath 2007-11-23

PreNIS 1.1 Released

This version of the Nullsoft Install System Pre-Processor is built for .Net framework 2.0 and all source has been migrated to build under .Net 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005


+ 1.0.3 added the ability to have recursive includes - so that all dependant DLLs could be grabbed from all projects which are used by
the referenced one. This concept has been extended to the macro language so that you can dynamically choose to recurse projects.... read more

Posted by Joe Cincotta [Pixolut] 2007-10-19

PreNIS 1.0.3 Released

NEW! PreNIS now handles Visual Studio 2005 projects.

There is also support for more command line options when using it in nAnt such as recursive traversal of project files to extract all associated DLLs.

Posted by Joe Cincotta [Pixolut] 2007-08-23

PreNIS 1.0.1 Installer Released

Finally got some movement on PreNIS again. We have gotten a nice little installer packaged up in the downloads section.

The VS2005 version should be released within the next 2 weeks. Enjoy.

Posted by Joe Cincotta [Pixolut] 2007-03-08

Go to for more info!

go to for more info on PreNIS and examples.

Posted by Joe Cincotta [Pixolut] 2007-01-10