
Is this project dead?

  • Jason Pollock

    Jason Pollock - 2001-01-24

    We're interested in client-server PRCS. We haven't seen any activity on the web or the XDELTA mailing lists for a long time. Is anybody still working on PRCS (or PRCS2, which we're more interested in)? If not, what's the way forward for the existing codebase?

    PRCS looks very promising. We'd love to see something come of it.

    • Dave E Martin

      Dave E Martin - 2001-03-05

      One does wonder sometimes. I didn't even know it had been placed on sourceforge until I ran across it looking for prcs on google. I certainly hope it isn't dead, and i've been told that they are committed to releasing prcs2 eventually (unfortunately, I don't know when "eventually" is, but I hope its soon); but I wish they'd be more talkative about it. Even just an occasional "we're still alive" would be nice.

      I did have quite the discussion with them a few months ago over a bug I encountered and they were quite helpful then; so it seems they're still out there, just "quiet".

    • Donovan Baarda

      Donovan Baarda - 2001-06-19

      I have a feeling jmacd is a "don't talk about it, just do it" kind of guy. I have never seen much posted by him, but a browse of the xdelta2 cvs shows him to be pretty active.

      I too didn't realise that PRCS was in SF untill just now. I think this is a recent development. Hopefuly this will get the ball rolling on PRCS again.

      I would like to see some prcs discussion on how to use it in conjunction with SF CVS... I see that they are doing this for xdelta, but I'd like to know just how.

      Also some contributed scripts would be nice... the prcs interface is pretty low level and I'm sure there's a large number of wrappers for it around. I know I'm working on some...

      The whole revision control field is rapidly changing and evolving towards versioned file systems (ClearCase?). Xdelta2 is certainly going this way. Don't be surprised if PRCS2 is a wildly different beast to PRCS1. I personaly would like to see a PRCS using xdelta2 _now_, rather than a PRCS-fs sometime in the future. However, he who does it, gets to decide how it gets done :-)

    • Peter B. West

      Peter B. West - 2003-09-17

      Is it dead now.  Looking at CVS, I see that the source files have no changes for at least 16 months.  That sounds pretty moribund.

      If it is not dead, what is happening?  What's the status of Xdelta?   Has PRCS been abandoned in favour of some other project (e.g. Subversion.)  Is XDFS being used as the filestore for some other product?


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