
#259 Texture scrolls by pixel fraction


prboom-plus -vidmode gl -width 1920 -height 1080 -fullscreen -file boomtest.wad -warp 1
Hit the switch in front of the player.
The SW1GARG texture scrolls upwards for about 5 pixels (but no texel movement as expected). Happens only in GL mode.

1 Attachments


  • Jan Engelhardt

    Jan Engelhardt - 2020-05-06

    I took screenshots before and after, computed the difference, and of that result, increased the contrast to max. This shows how the texture has changed.

  • Jan Engelhardt

    Jan Engelhardt - 2020-05-06

    The code comment talked about dots on wall-to-floor seams. The way I remember them, these dots were wall-to-wall (mostly 1s-to-2s, but sometimes 1s-to-1s too), and purely an artifact of the "Speed" rendering mode (itself removed in r4440).
    Whether r4439 is built with SMALLDELTA=0.0f or SMALLDELTA=0.01f makes no difference, the dots are visible either way.
    Therefore I think it is safe to remove SMALLDELTA altogether in today's prboom-plus.

  • Jan Engelhardt

    Jan Engelhardt - 2020-05-06


  • Andrey Budko

    Andrey Budko - 2020-05-06

    I still see dots on dots.wad with SMALLDELTA 0

  • Andrey Budko

    Andrey Budko - 2020-05-06

    cfg + dsg


    Last edit: Andrey Budko 2020-05-06
  • Jan Engelhardt

    Jan Engelhardt - 2020-05-06

    If you grep for SMALLDOTS, you will see that it is only applied to ytop and ybottom, but never left/right. Which could explain why it only occurs on the left/right edges of a texture.

    However, even though I can repro dots with r4551, the chosen value for SMALLDELTA makes no difference, there are few dots when SMALLDELTA=0 and there are few dots with SMALLDELTA=0.1f//0.01f//0.001f.


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