
#242 Key bindings generally don't work


There seem to be a lot of problems with the key bindings in prboom-plus on GNU/Linux:

1) By default the up and down arrow keys aren't bound to forward and backward movement, respectively. This makes it impossible to play using the standard cursor keys.
2) The standard cursor keys work fine in the menus, except when one gets to the "Key bindings" menu. In that menu the up and down arrow keys get disabled again. I can use the mouse to click on a command to assign, but the up and down arrow keys aren't recognized. So there is no way to change the key bindings to use the cursor keys.
3) Even if one changes the key bindings by manually editing the prboom-plus.cfg file, they seem to get reset or overridden sometimes. (It seems this always happens when I launch prboom-plus with -vidmode gl, for example.)


  • Andrey Budko

    Andrey Budko - 2016-03-01

    2) 3)
    cant reproduce

  • Tristan Miller

    Tristan Miller - 2016-03-02

    I can reproduce all three problems consistently. Is there any further information I can provide (system information, logs, etc.) to help track down the cause of the problem?

  • Tristan Miller

    Tristan Miller - 2017-03-03

    Still reproducible for me; I used to play prboom-plus every day but haven't been able to do so for over a year now. :( Is there anything else I can do to help troubleshoot?


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