
PRADO: PHP component framework / News: Recent posts

Prado 3.1.3 is released

We are proud to announce the formal release of PRADO 3.1.3. This is a feature enhancement and bug fix release over the previous release. In this release, we created several new active controls, included some minor code optimizations, and fixed tens of bugs. More details may be found at the official project website:


For those who have never heard of PRADO before, PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP. PRADO stands for Php Rapid Application Development Object-oriented. PRADO was initially released in August 2004 as the grand prizer winner of the Zend coding contest and has since been adopted by thousands of developers.... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2008-11-02

PRADO v3.1.1 is released

We are proud to announce the formal release of PRADO 3.1.1.
This is a feature enhancement release over the previous release.
In this release, we included several new commonly requested Web
controls; we enhanced the features of existing components; and
we added translations in several languages to our tutorials.

You can download PRADO from its project website at


Posted by Qiang Xue 2007-10-01

PRADO v3.1.0 is released

After more than one year's hard work, the PRADO Group is proud
to announce the formal release of PRADO 3.1.0, a major milestone
in the PRADO framework development. This release added intrinsic
DB support and seamless AJAX support which complement PRADO as
a matured PHP framework for serious business Web application
development. It also added many new controls, examples and tutorials.

You can download PRADO from its project website at ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2007-07-02

PRADO v3.1.0 RC is released

We are proud to announce the RC release of PRADO 3.1.0. This is the
result of more than one year of hard work from the PRADO Group. It
represents a major milestone in the PRADO development. We hereby
thank all PRADO developers and supporters.

Please note, since this is a RC release, part of the code
(especially those related with new features) may not be stable and
are subject to change. Be very cautious if you intend to use this
release in a production environment. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2007-05-14

PRADO v3.1.0 beta is released

We are proud to announce the BETA release of PRADO 3.1.0. This is
the result of nearly one year of hard work from the PRADO Group and
represents a major milestone in the PRADO development. We hereby
thank all PRADO developers and supporters.

Please note, since this is a beta release, part of the code
(especially those related with new features) may not be stable and
are subject to change. Be very cautious if you intend to use this
release in a production environment.... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2007-04-09

PRADO v3.0.7 is released

We are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.7 is formally released!

PRADO version 3.0.7 is a maintenance release over the previous 3.0.6
release. It will be the last 3.0.x release before we release 3.1.0 which
will happen very soon.

In this release, several third-party JavaScript libraries were updated
to the latest versions. A few bugs were also fixed in this release.
For complete change log, please visit read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2007-04-02

PRADO v3.1.0 alpha version released

We are proud to announce the ALPHA release of PRADO 3.1.0. This is the result of nearly nine months of hard work from the PRADO Group and represents a major milestone in the PRADO development. We hereby thank all PRADO supporters.

Please note, since this is an alpha release, parts of the code (especially those related with new features) may not be stable and are subject to change. Be very cautious if you intend to use this release in a production environment.... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2007-01-15

PRADO v3.0.6 is released

We are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.6 is formally released!

PRADO version 3.0.6 is a maintenance release over the previous 3.0.5 release. About ten bugs were fixed in this release and a dozen of minor enhancements were introduced. A main enhancement in this release is the introduction of TUrlManager and the flexibility of allowing developers to use their customized URL scheme. Other enhancements are mainly related with data paging and TDataGrid. In general, the new version offers more flexibilities without losing the original powerfulness. Complete change log of this release may be found at read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-12-04

PRADO 3.0.5 is released

We are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.5 is formally
released! Version 3.0.5 is a bug-fix release with minor feature
enhancements over the previous PRADO 3.0.4 release.

A major enhancement in this release is the introduction of TUrlMapping
module which aids using friend URLs in your applications. Several bugs
are also fixed. For more details, please see the change log.

PRADO v3.0.5 may be downloaded at

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-10-23

PRADO v3.0.4 is released

We are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.4 is formally
released! Version 3.0.4 is a bug-fix release with minor feature
enhancements over the previous PRADO 3.0.3 release.

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for
developing Web applications in PHP 5. Because it is component-based,
you write object-oriented code that enjoys the maximum reusability; and
because it is event-driven, you have better focus on responding to user
interactions. With the rich set of components provided in PRADO, you
can rapidly compose Web pages and applications that are highly
interactive. Most importantly, PRADO does not prevent you from using
your favorite class libraries, such as PEAR, AdoDB, etc. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-09-04

PRADO v3.0.3 is released

We are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.3 is formally released! Version 3.0.3 is a maintenance release over the previous PRADO 3.0.2 release. More than ten bugs were fixed in this release and a dozen of minor enhancements were introduced.

A major change in this release is that the minimum requirement of PHP version for PRADO is raised from 5.0.4 to 5.1.0. With this requirement change, we expect PRADO applications to be more robust and enjoy more new features that are available to PHP 5.1.0+ only (e.g. count() of objects).... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-08-07

PRADO v3.0.2 is released

We are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.2 is formally released! Version 3.0.2 is a maintenance release of PRADO 3.0, which mainly contains bug fixes and minor enhancements and features.

The most significant feature introduced in this release is the paging capability which is made inherently available to all data-bound controls, such as TRepeater, TDataList, TCheckBoxList, etc. A new TPager control is also introduced which can be used together with the data-bound controls to achieve paging of contents rapidly and easily.... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-07-03

PRADO v3.0.1 is released

Version 3.0.1 contains about 10 bug fixes and many small enhancements. It also includes a complete weblog demo which should be a good starting point for PRADO users to develop complex Web applications. A few supporting components are also added in this release.

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-06-05

PRADO v3.0.0 is released

After nearly 10 months of hard work with 50,000 lines of new code, we are pleased to announce that PRADO version 3.0.0 is formally released!

The new version of the PRADO framework represents a full-fledged component-based and event-driven model for Web programming in PHP 5. Because it is component-based, you write object-oriented code that enjoys the maximum reusability; and because it is event-driven, you have better focus on responding to user interactions. With the rich set of components provided in PRADO, you can rapidly compose Web pages and applications that are highly interactive. Most importantly, PRADO does not prevent you from using your favorite class libraries, such as PEAR, AdoDB, etc.... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-05-02

PRADO v3.0.0 RC2 version released

We are very pleased to announce that PRADO 3.0.0 Release Candidate 2 (RC2)
version is now available for downloading.

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven for developing Web
applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly
involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by
setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler
functions, and composing them into pages for applications.
PRADO is very similar to ASP.NET in many aspects. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-04-17

PRADO v3.0.0 RC1 version released

We are very pleased to announce that PRADO 3.0.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1)
version is now available for downloading.

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven for developing Web
applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly
involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by
setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler
functions, and composing them into pages for applications.
PRADO is very similar to ASP.NET in many aspects. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-04-04

PRADO v3.0 beta version released

We are very pleased to announce that PRADO 3.0 beta version is now
available for downloading.

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven for developing Web
applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly
involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by
setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler
functions, and composing them into pages for applications.
PRADO is very similar to ASP.NET in many aspects. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-03-08

PRADO v2.1RC1 is released

We are very pleased to announce that PRADO 2.1RC1 is now
available for downloading.

Version 2.1RC1 is the 1st release candidate for the upcoming
version 2.1, which is a major feature enhancement release.
Besides bug fixes, the new version mainly introduces a framework
supporting seamless AJAX programming and provides a set of
AJAX-enabled controls.

for changes.

Posted by Wei Zhuo 2006-02-16

PRADO v3.0 alpha version released

We are very pleased to announce that PRADO 3.0 alpha version is now
available for downloading.

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven for developing Web
applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly
involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by
setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler
functions, and composing them into pages for applications.
PRADO is very similar to ASP.NET in many aspects. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2006-01-19

PRADO v2.0.3 released

We are happy to announce the release of PRADO version 2.0.3, which is available for immediate download via SourceForge or PEAR.

Version 2.0.3 mainly adds in a new AJAX backend based on the prototype library and many bug fixes.

The following changes have been made since version 2.0.2:

Version 2.0.3 November 18, 2005

- Add AutoUpdate property to validation summary. (Wei)
- Added Action property to TForm. (Wei)
- CustomValidator JS no longers returns true if value is empty. (Wei)
- Propagate attributes in TDataGridColumn. (Wei)
- Charset() add to default formats. (Wei)
- Updating JS library, Prototype 1.4pre1, scriptaculous-js-1.5_rc3, logger, new auto-complete text js, new javascrip compressor (from dojo). (Wei)
- Added prado/ajax.js (new AJAX using prototype library). (Wei)
- Added in checking for the PHP sqlite module in Blog and Phonebook examples. (Jasrags)
- Ajax section was rewritten from scatch for php5. (Wei)
- Fixed bug 1261030: TCallbackServer short open tag. (John)
- Fixed bug 1262418: TFileUpload's Browse button's position is Fixed. (john)
- Feature request 1159480: TListControl with allSelection and invertSelection functions (Equinox)
- Feature request: TListBox -- added additional getters and setters (john)
- Fixed bug 1262418: THtmlArea parseOptions() bug (john)
- Fixed bug 1269975: Accessing private variable bug (john)
- Fixed bug 1267745: TPage::registerOnSubmitStatement() method and TLinkButton (john)
- Fixed bug 1270232: TListBox Fatal Error (john)
- Feature request 1233492: enhance pradoSendFile in utils.php (john) - submitted by Warren
- Fixed bug 1277737: Trim TRessourceLocator (john)
- Fixed bug 1280436: TDropDownList setSelectedValue dynamic creation failure (john)

Posted by Jasrags 2005-11-18

PRADO Master v1.0 released

PRADO Master is a tool to aid PRADO programming. It contains
the following three major features:

- PRADO Master displays a class inheritance tree for
PRADO components contained within one or several directories.
Using the tool, users can view component properties and events,
including the inherited ones. They can also use the tool
to open directly the corresponding PRADO wiki page about
the selected component, property or event.... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2005-04-25

PRADO Master v1.0RC released

PRADO Master helps manage and create PRADO components.

The program has the following features:
- Generate the class tree for the framework and a set of search paths
- Show component properties and events (including inherited ones)
- Link components and their properties to the corresponding wiki pages
- Provide a component creation wizard that can generate default component class file with getters, setters and comments ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2005-04-22

PRADO v2.0 released

PRADO is an event-driven and component-based framework for developing
Web applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly
involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by
setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler
functions, and composing them into pages for the application. PRADO is
very similar to ASP.NET in many aspects.

Version 2.0 is the formal release over the previous RC release.
It mainly fixes the bugs found in the RC and adds the Master/Content pages feature. ... read more

Posted by Qiang Xue 2005-03-15

PRADO v2.0RC released

PRADO is an event-driven and component-based framework for developing
Web applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly
involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by
setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler
functions, and composing them into pages for the application. PRADO is
very similar to ASP.NET in many aspects.

Version 2.0RC is a release candidate for the upcoming version 2.0.
It may not be stable and is meant for adventurous souls.
Version 2.0 will be a major feature enhancement version over the previous ones.

Posted by Qiang Xue 2005-01-26

PRADO v1.7.1 released

This is a bug-fix release. Most known bugs have been fixed. Several minor features are also implemented. The upgrading incompatibility should be minimal, mainly related with external template inclusion (previously absolute/relative paths are used, now alias paths are used).

Please check out the release notes for more details.

Posted by Qiang Xue 2004-12-25