
Practical XML / News: Recent posts

1.1.17 released

The bean converter now stores attributes in a "conversion" namespace only if the caller has specified a namespace for elements. This makes life a lot easier if you're passing the converter output into an XSLT stylesheet.

The bean converter also has an option to write enum values using toString(). This is useful if you've defined enums with descriptive strings.

And finally, OutputUtil now supports explicit use of the Xalan engine for serialization. While the JDK uses Xalan internally, it uses an older version that has a different mechanism for setting indent; the current Xalan distribution rejects it. The converter now looks at the type of Transformer, and picks JDK- or Xalan-appropriate behavior.... read more

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2013-09-07

1.1.14 released

Bean->XML conversion now handles circular relationships without a StackOverflowException: default behavior is to throw a ConversionException, optional behavior is to skip any circular references.

Will be available at Maven Central, not from SF.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2013-06-15

1.1.13 released

A few minor addition (you can now parse files from the classpath!). The big news is that I'm converting from the Maven legacy sync process to uploads via Sonatype's OSS repo. Hopefullly all goes well, and this release appears on Maven Central sometime tomorrow.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2012-08-02

1.1.12 released

This version includes XPathWrapperFactory, used to produce multiple XPathWrapper instances with the same configuration. Should be on Maven Central tomorrow morning (I hope ... I messed up the release directory that Maven syncs, but I think I repaired it correctly ... time to get this project added to the Sonatype OSS repo)

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2012-05-18

1.1.11 released

This release contains some minor enhancements to XPath and the top-level utility classes, as well as a fix to BeanConverter's collection handling. Should be on Maven Central within 24 hours.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2011-12-20

1.1.10 releases

BeanConverter now knows how to deal with Class, File, Calendar, TimeZone, and Locale, which are likely to be found in real-world beans (and which would cause various exceptions). Also added a clone() method to XPathWrapper that *doesn't* clone the compiled expression (lets it be used in a ThreadLocal)

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2011-09-21

1.1.9 released

Should be available on Maven Central by tomorrow. This version adds an option to XML->JSON conversion, to convert attributes as well as elements.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2011-05-10

1.1.6 released to Maven central

Should be there within 24 hours

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2010-08-04

1.1.3 released

This release is used by the S34J project, which is making its 1.0 release today. It will be available in the Maven repository.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2010-01-15

version 1.0 released

The package structure is now solid, and all the classes seem to work as expected. I'll be pushing out to the Maven repository in the next few days.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2009-01-14

Release 0.9 available for download

This is the final alpha release: all of the classes that I expect for final release, and (almost) all of the functionality. There may yet be a backwards-incompatible name change before the beta release.

Posted by Keith D Gregory 2008-12-08