
can't install powerplant

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    hi there!
    i need some help, please! i am no programmer and i have no programming background...
    the program doesn't start, when launching the powerplant.bat it comes only a command promt saying that the classes have unknown sources. i installed the glasgow haskell compiler and java enviroment. i tried to install jogl, but when i try to launch the executable jars i get the message "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from (path)\jogl.jar"...
    when i launch the powerplant.bat from the command prompt i get this message : "exception in thread "main" java.NoClassDefFoundError: main/Main"...

    i work on windows xp home- athlon xp 64...

    tahnk you for the help!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      hi! it's me again...
      unfortunatelly it doesn't seem to work and the installation of that jogl is very tricky-or maybe i'm too stupid to do it...
      on the other hand, the information i got from articles in the internet are very confusing and it seems there are several opinions on what should be pre-installed in order to get jogl working. says that ant 1.5.1 or highr is needed, someone else said one should have also java sdk package preinstalled... i installed everything i could find: now i have j2sdk1.4.2_14, jre1.6.0_01, jre1.5.0_11, the glasgow haskell compiler, ant and several other stuff i don't even know what it is. anyway, with all that stuff and system variable (classpath and path) at least 1 km long, the software still doesn't move. at all. the files are were they upose to be- or at least where is was said they supose to be- but still nothing moves.
      any help would be highly apreciated!

    • Olufemi Rosanwo

      Olufemi Rosanwo - 2007-06-21

      Dear user,
      don't let the many build instructions confuse you. Ready-to-use binaries of Jogl are available for all common platforms on their web-site. The only tricky thing about it is the location to put them. Find out where your (favourite) java JRE is installed and place the contents of the downloaded jogl.jar into the /lib/ext directory. That makes jogl available to all java applications on your computer.
      That should do the trick.

      ps: Sorry for the late reply, but have been quite busy with our studies recently


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