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New Version Coming Up

2-27-07 - VERSION 2.0 PRODUCTION TO BEGIN SHORTLY Heavy plans for creating another version in about 2 weeks. This new version is going to hopefully be entirely rewritten using OOP. As well as a lot of new functions classes are going to be added in. I am going to rewrite the admin program to make it more scaleable, and easier to use as a "all purpose" program. The tools section is also going to be born with a "encryption-decryption-methods" form. As well as a few other tools. The development on it, will span about 2 months, it will be jumping all the way from the current version to version 2.0. It is going to be a massive, massive release with tons of new features, the admin application rewritten and completed, the tools section started up and with a few tools included within it. It will be the cornerstone release that will hopefully make it take off. At that moment it still won't be able to touch cake or code ignitor, but hopefully it will be heading in the direction of eventually being another powerful framework.... read more

Posted by Joyel 2007-03-01

New Release version 0.8 - this is the main site, it contains a support forum.

The new release is here.

Posted by Joyel 2007-03-01