
KPowersave v0.7.3 released

Today I'm glad to announce the next version of KPowersave. This release is a major step forward.

You can find all changes and a list of all fixed bugs since the last release in the NEWS file or in the Changelog (

We provide this time rpms for:
* openSUSE 10.2 (ix86/x86_64/ppc/src) Note: this version is already part of released 10.3 and the factory tree of openSUSE
* Mandriva 2007.1 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Mandriva 2008.0 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Fedora Core 6 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Fedora Core 7 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Fedora Core 8 (ix86/x86_64/src)

Other distros may later.

Please test KPowersave and feel free to report bugs to the powersave-devel mailinglist or for SUSE products via the Novell bugzilla (or the bugzilla of your distribution as soon as the package get updated there).



Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2007-10-25

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