
PowerMovieList / News: Recent posts

Project inactive

As you might have noticed, development of PowerMovieList has stalled since a few years.
No further development is done by me - but everyone can download the code and do whatever he wants to do with it (at least what GPL allows...).

Personally I use now a Desktop-Application to manage my Movies:


Posted by Niko Sams 2008-02-08

cvs-server moved!

we set up our own cvs-server because the had some problems... they fixed them now but we will continue to use our own one...

Posted by Niko Sams 2003-09-27

Version 0.10.3 released!

- fetch-scripts for (BIG thx to Michasch)
- fetch-scripts for (BIG thx to Michasch)
- new list templates
- script for syncing db with local directory (scripts/syncdir.php)
- delete entries with the syncdir-script that are deleted from the local directory (scripts/syncdir_delflag.php)
- required rights: show only to logged in users (guests can have view-rights)
- fetch-data link for list-admins
- standard-filter-value for listbox
- new langauge: Portuguese (translated by Xic0)
- new language Czech (translated by Kabu)
- smarty-version 2.6 RC1
- redirecting with /listname now works without creating the folders
(works over .htaccess - so this must be activated)
- moved info.php and dload.php to popup.php (update custom templates!)
- bug in index-page
- bug in check-db-funktions
- bug in about.php
- exporting cached-urls works now correctly
- fetch-imdb script because imdb changed their page a bit (thx to bogey)
We have now a new cvs-server! Take look into the developer-board.

Posted by Niko Sams 2003-09-19

0.10.0 Alpha released!

the new version was just released
for more info go to

Posted by Niko Sams 2003-04-26

version 0.9 pre4 released

new features:
- custom fields: editfields.php (niko)
- printlist i18n and new field "plot" [phpbt#33] (samson)
- the fields on the page can be switched off (search, filter...) (niko)
- some i18n-stuff and a new editlang.php to edit the langauge-files (niko)
- printcover now uses local pic if possible [phpbt#36] (samson)
- user-ratings: sound and movie-quality

Posted by Niko Sams 2002-12-28

powermovielist 0.9pre3

Some more bugfixes and language support for spanish. As usual report bugs at

Posted by Oliver Trosien 2002-12-16

powermovielist 0.9pre2 is out...

we did some bug-squashing and added a gif2png converter (sorry, *nix only at the moment) For more information visit Please post any bugs/errors in the forum:

Posted by Oliver Trosien 2002-12-12

powermovielist 0.9pre1 released.

Finally a new version is released. We have added alot of feature enhancements and alot of bug fixes into this release. I hope you like it. Visit for more.

Posted by Oliver Trosien 2002-12-08