

John Barrett Martin Šimeček

pow(quickhack,2) 1k (or 1024 bytes) long intro written especially for Forever 16, 8-bit demoparty at Horna Suca (Slovakia) in 2015.

intro is written for Atari XL/XE computers in machnine language

back to the cyberspace won 3rd place in Atari intro compo,
see my blog for more info:

compile project

  1. download mad assember binary from
  2. run: mads.exe pow(quickhack,2).asx -o pow(quickhack,2).xex

run project

  1. download binary of atari xl/xe emulator altirra from
  2. run emulator altirra64.exe (or altirra.exe for 32bit OS)
  3. set video system in menu: System->Video->PAL
  4. run project: File->Open Image and browse for pow(quickhack,2).xex
  5. enjoy...

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