
Need help to build 64 bit developer library

BH Ooi
  • BH Ooi

    BH Ooi - 2015-10-19


    I encounter some issues building a 64 bit library from source. I am using Cygwin to build the source on my windows OS. These are the steps I took to build from source.
    1) ./configuration –with-libpotrace CC=”gcc –m64” –disable-zlib.
    2) make
    3) make install.

    When I used potracelib.h and linked the generated libpotrace.a in my 64bit visual studio project. The error generated when building is

    libpotracae.a(decompose.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol errno referenced in function bmtopathlist

    Please advise.

    On the side note, if I use a 32 bit generated libpotrace.a in a 32 bit visual studio project, it works fine.



  • Peter Selinger

    Peter Selinger - 2015-10-19

    Hi BH,

    thanks for reporting this. However, I think it may be a bug in Cygwin, rather than in Potrace. Errno is part of the standard library of the C language (similar to printf, memset, malloc, etc.), and as such, it should not be undefined. Maybe it is a bug in the particular Cygwin version you are using? I have not encountered this error before. If not, please ask the Cygwin people for advice.

    I personally use MinGW to build the WIndows 64 bit library (which should then be compatible with Cygwin, of course).

    Please let me know if you can't resolve this, and I'll see what else I can do.

  • BH Ooi

    BH Ooi - 2015-10-20

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. I will try to use MinGW to build the Win 64 bit library.

    Can I find out from you what "./configure" line (i.e. the step 1. in my previous post) should I write to build the Win 64 bit library correctly? It was not stated in the INSTALL text file linked to the main Potrace website.


  • Peter Selinger

    Peter Selinger - 2015-10-24

    Hi BH,

    that depends on how you have installed your 64-bit tool chain. I got mine by downloading mingw-w64-v4.0.0.tar.bz2 from, extracting it, and moving it to /w64. The following configure options work for me:

    configure --with-libpotrace CC=/w64/bin/gcc RANLIB=/w64/bin/ranlib AR=/w64/bin/ar STRIP=/w64/bin/strip

    If you have a compiler with -m64 enabled, then something like CC='gcc -m64' may work.

    -- Peter


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