
dxf export problems

  • luc froehlicher

    luc froehlicher - 2018-01-11

    hello and kudos for this great software.
    I'm trying to export .dxf files from bitmaps to import into a cgi software (houdini)

    when importing I got this error , and usually it crash.
    Realloced vlist to 1024 entries
    Realloced vlist to 1536 entries
    Realloced vlist to 8704 entries
    Realloced vlist to 9216 entries
    invalid point in dxf file

    I tried to convert the resulting dxf file to .obj with assimp and I can see missing edges in the geometry
    (screenshot attached)

    I'm doing this over a sequence of frames and some are ok but most of them are corrupted.

    I'm working on Ubuntu 16.04 (KdeNeon user)
    potrace -v
    potrace 1.13. Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Peter Selinger.
    Library version: potracelib 1.13
    Default unit: inches
    Default page size: letter

    any help appreciated ...


    Last edit: luc froehlicher 2018-01-11
  • Peter Selinger

    Peter Selinger - 2018-01-11

    Dear Luc,

    thanks for writing. This will be really difficult for me to debug, because DXF is not a very well-documented format, and I don't have any "official" software for validating DXF files. Basically I developed the DXF backend with the help of a user who had an AutoCAD license, and we debugged it until AutoCAD would accept the output. It is quite possible that the authors of open source software to read DXF files have had the same problems I was having: trying to define a file format based on some example files, and there might be well-formed files that just don't get interpreted correctly.

    Perhaps you can use Potrace to generate SVG (a much better documented format), and then use some other software to convert SVG to DXF?

    -- Peter

  • luc froehlicher

    luc froehlicher - 2018-01-12

    hello Peter.
    thanks for your direct answer.
    I can understand that (especially with Autodesk :(()
    I will investigate other routes as suggested.

    I don't know how much you are planning to add features in potrace but I would suggest .ply's very easy to handle (for me at least)...


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